
- Akazawa, T., Y. Kanjo, Y. Nishiaki, H. Nakata, M. Yoneda, O. Kondo, K. Tanno, and S. Muhesen
2010 The 2007-2008 seasons’ excavations at Dederiyeh Cave, Afrin, Northwest Syria. Chronique Archeologique en Syrie 4: 31-38.
- 赤澤 威
2010「人類史の分かれ目:旧人ネアンデルタールと新人サピエンスの交替劇」『文化人類学』 (特集:人類史の空間論的再構築?移動、出会い、コンクリフト)74(4): 517-540.
- 西秋良宏、仲田大人、米田 穣、近藤 修、石井理子、佐々木智彦、ヨーセフ・カンジョ、スルタン・ムヘイセン、赤澤 威
2010「シリア、デデリエ洞窟の先史人類学的発掘?2009年度調査報告」『高知工科大学紀要』7(1): 57-69.
- 西秋良宏、仲田大人、米田 穣、近藤 修、石井理子、丹野研一、赤澤 威
2009「シリア北西部、デデリエ洞窟における20年度先史人類学的調査」『高知工科大学紀要』6(1): 1-15.
- Ponce de Leon, M., L. Golovanova, V. Doronichev, G. Romanova, T. Akazawa, O. Kondo, H. Ishida, C. Zollikofer
2008 Neanderthal brain size at birth provides insights into the evolution of human life history. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 105(37): 13764-13768.
- 豊田浩士、定藤規弘、赤澤 威
2008「ネアンデルタールと現代人の頭蓋内鋳型の形状比較」『高知工科大学紀要』5(1): 25-33.
- 西秋良宏、仲田大人、米田 穣、近藤 修、丹野研一、赤澤 威
2008「シリア、デデリエ洞窟にける先史人類学的調査(2006-2007年度)」『高知工科大学紀要』5(1): 9-23.
- 松村寛一郎、芝辻祐太、森 洋久
2008「テキスト情報と地理情報によるグローバルマネジメント」『総合政策研究』(特集:持続可能社会構築のための総合政策研究)30: 131-137.
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2007「旧人ネアンデルタールと新人クロマニョン」『遺伝』20: 39-46.
- 近藤 修、福本 敬、藤森智行、菱田寛之、鈴木宏正、赤澤 威
2007「化石人類の脳:ネアンデルタール人と早期現代型新人の頭蓋エンドキャスト復元」『高知工科大学紀要』4(1): 13-22.
- Yoneda, M., H. Nakata, M. Aoki, O. Kondo, Y. Nishiaki, T. Akazawa
2006 Age determination at the Dederiyeh Cave, Syrian Arab Republic. Anthropological Science 114(3): 251.
- Zollikofer, Christoph, M. Ponce de Leon, et T. Akazawa
2006 La naissance des enfants virtuels. Les Dossiers de la Recherche 24: 34-39.
- 西秋良宏、仲田大人、青木美千子、須藤寛史、米田 穣、近藤 修、赤澤 威
2006「シリア・デデリエ洞窟における2005年度の発掘調査」『高知工科大学紀要』3(1): 135-153.
- 藤田晴啓、森 洋久
2006「GLOBALBASE における空間ポータルコンテンツ開発-座標系・マッピング機能の特徴および公共マップベース」『現代社会研究』3: 19-29.
- Yoneda, M., A. Saso, R. Suzuki, Y. Shibata, M. Morita, G. Suwa and T. Akazawa
2005 Chronology of the Yayoi skeletal remains from the Kanto district, Japan: a preliminary re-evaluation by radiocarbon dating on postcranial materials. Anthropological Science 113: 169-182.
- 西秋良宏、仲田大人、青木美千子、近藤 修、米田 穣、赤澤 威
2005「シリア・デデリエ洞窟の発掘調査と文化層序(2003-2004年度)」『高知工科大紀要』2(1): 31-62.
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2004 Bone histomorphology of the Dederiyeh Neanderthal child. Anthropological Science 112: 247-256.
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2002 Distinguished Prehistoric Discoveres Afrin Region, Aleppo, Syria. Adumatu (A Semi-Annual Areharological Referend Journal a Arab World) 5: 7-22.
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2000 Estimation of stature from the skeletal reconstruction of an immature Neandertal from Dederiyeh Cave, Syria. Journal of Human Evolution 38: 457-473.
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1999 New Discovery of a Neanderthal child burial from the Dederiyeh Cave in Syria. Paleorient 25(2): 127-140.
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1998「デデリエ・ネアンデルタール幼児の復活」『古代文化』50(3): 1-12.
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1998「デデリエ・ネアンデルタール人の生活」『古代文化』50(3): 50-51.
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1995 Neanderthal Infant Burial. Nature 377: 585-586.
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1995 Neanderthal infant burial from the Dederiyeh Cave in Syria. Paleorient 21: 77-86.
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1995「現代人の起源─デデリエ洞窟発見の幼児骨をめぐって」『オリエント』11: 3-16.
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1993 The Neanderthal Remains from the Dederiyeh Cave, Syria: Interim Report. Anthropological Science 101(4): 361-387.
- Kadowaki, S., L. Maher, M. Portillo, R. M. Albert, C. Akashi, F. Guliyev, and Y. Nishiaki
2015 Geoarchaeological and palaeobotanical evidence for prehistoric cereal storage in the Southern Caucasus: The Neolithic Settlement of Göytepe (mid 8th millennium BP). Journal of Archaeological Science 53: 408-425.
- Kadowaki S. and Y. Nishiaki
2015 New Epipalaeolithic assemblages from the middle Euphrates and the implications for technological and settlement trends in the northeastern Levant. Quaternary International xxx (2015) 1-17.
- Kadowaki, S., T. Omori, and Y. Nishiaki
2015 Variability in Early Ahmarian lithic technology and its implications for the model of a Levantine origin of the Protoaurignacian. Journal of Human Evolution 82: 67-87.
- Nishiaki, Y.
2015 Comments. The sounds of pounding: Boulder mortars and their significance to Natufian burial customs by Danny Rosenberg and Dani Nadel. Current Anthropology.
- Nishiaki, Y., F. Guliyev, and S. Kadowaki
2015 Chronological contexts of the earliest Pottery Neolithic in the Southern Caucasus: Radiocarbon dates for Göytepe and Hacı Elamxanlı Tepe, West Azerbaijan. American Journal of Archaeology. 119(3).
- Nishiaki, Y., F. Guliyev, S. Kadowaki, Y. Arimatsu, Y. Hayakawa, K. Shimogama, T. Miki, C. Akashi, S. Arai, and S. Salimbeyov
2015 Hacı Elamxanlı Tepe: Excavations of the earliest Pottery Neolithic occupations on the Middle Kura, Azerbaijan, 2012. Archäologische Mitteilungen aus Iran und Turan.
- Azizi Kharanaghi, M.H., H. Fazeli Nashli, and Y. Nishiaki
2014 The second season of excavations at Tepe Rahmatabad, Southern Iran: The absolute and relative chronology. Ancient Near Eastern Studies 51: 1-32.
- Henry, D., S. Kadowaki, and S. Bergin
2014 Reconstructing early Neolithic social and economic organization through spatial analysis at Ayn Abu Nukhayla, Southern Jordan. American Antiquity 79(3): 401-424.
- Nishiaki, Y.
2014 The second season of excavations at Tepe Rahmatabad, Southern Iran: The absolute and relative chronology. Ancient Near Eastern Studies 51: 1-32.
- Nishiaki, Y.
2014 Dating simple flakes: Early Bronze Age flake production technology on the Middle Euphrates steppe, Syria. Journal of Lithic Studies 1(1): 197-212. doi:10.2218/jls.v1i1.781
- Nishiaki, Y.
2014 The development of architecture and pottery at the Neolithic settlement of Tall-i Jari B, Marv Dasht, southwest Iran. Marlik: Persian Journal of Iranian Studies (Archaeology) 2/3(5/6): 49-61. (in Persian).
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2014 Modern hominids in the Japanese Islands and the early use of obsidian: The case of Onbase Islet. World Heritage Papers 39: 156-163.
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2014 Two patterns of obsidian exploitation in the Upper Palaeolithic of the Japanese Islands. The Dolni Vestonice Studies 20: 41-44.
- Portillo, M., S. Kadowaki, Y. Nishiaki, and R. M. Albert
2014 Early Neolithic household behavior at Tell Seker al-Aheimar (Upper Khabur, Syria): A comparison to ethnoarchaeological study of phytoliths and dung spherulites. Journal of Archaeological Science 42: 107-118.
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2014 Paleoenvironment of the Fore-Baikal region in the Karginian interstadial: Results of the interdisciplinary studies of the Bol'shoj Naryn site. Quaternary International (2014) http//dx.doi.org./10.1016/j-quaint.2013.12.050.
- 加藤博文
2014 「シベリアの旧石器時代」『季刊考古学』126: 45-48.
- 佐野勝宏、大場正義
2014 「狩猟法同定のための投射実験研究(2)-背付き尖頭器-」『旧石器研究』10: 129-149.
- 髙倉 純
2014 「北海道での押圧細石刃剥離技術出現以前の石器群における剥離方法の同定」『北大史学』54: 1-25.
- 西秋良宏
2014 「現生人類の拡散と東アジアの旧石器」『季刊考古学』126: 33-36.
- Nishiaki, Y., M.H. Azizi Kharanaghi, and M. Abe
2013 The late Aceramic Neolithic flaked stone assemblage from Tepe Rahmatabad, Fars, Southwest Iran. Iran LI: 1-15.
- 佐野勝宏、洪 恵媛、張 思熠、鹿又義隆、阿子島香、柳田俊雄
2013 「山形県高倉山出土ナイフ形石器に残る狩猟痕跡の研究」『Bulletin of the Tohoku University Museum』No.12: 45-76.
- 髙倉 純、金成太郎、杉原重夫
2013 「北海道東部の続縄文時代における黒曜石利用」『考古学と自然科学』64.
- 西秋良宏
2013 「共同制作『HUNTERS-渡辺仁博士の民族学資料収集』展によせて」『ウロボロス』17(4): 6-8.
- Azizi Kharanaghi, M.H., M. H., Y. Nishiaki, and M. Khanipur
2012 Tepe Rahmatabad, Pasargadae:The absolute and relative chronology. Iran Nameh 27(2-3): 78-101.
- Kadowaki, S.
2012 A household perspective towards the Pre-Pottery Neolithic to Late Neolithic cultural transformation in the southern Levant. Orient 47: 3-28.
- Kondo, Y., T. Omori, and P. Verhagen
2012 Developing predictive models for palaeoanthropological research: a preliminary discussion." Technical Report, Department of Computer Science, Tokyo Institute of Technology. TR12-0001:110. http://www.cs.titech.ac.jp/~tr/reports/2012/TR12-0001.pdf
- Nishiaki, Y.
2012 An archaeological study of the learning behaviours of Neanderthals and Modern Humans. RNMH Project Series 1: 32-37.
- Nishiaki, Y., S. Kadowaki, S. Kume, and K. Shimogama
2012 Archaeological survey around Tell Gahnem Al-'Ali (V). Al-Rafidan 33: 1-6.
- Nishiaki, Y., Y. Kanjo, S. Muhesen, and T. Akazawa
2012 Temporal variability of Late Levantine Mousterian assemblages from Dederiyeh Cave, Syria. Eurasian Prehistory 9(1/2): 3-27.
- Sano, K.
2012 Functional variability in the Magdalenian of north-western Europe: A lithic microwear analysis of the Gönnersdorf K-II assemblage, Quaternary International 272-273: 264-274. doi:10.1016/j.quaint.2012.02.057.
- 加藤博文、長沼正樹、鈴木建治、S.N. Astakhov、S.S. Makarov
2012 「ロシア連邦トゥーヴァ共和国採集の旧石器資料」『旧石器研究』8: 155-164.
- 佐野勝宏
2012 「ヨーロッパにおける中期・後期旧石器時代遺跡の時空間分布」『日本旧石器学会第10回講演・研究発表シンポジウム予稿集 旧石器時代遺跡・立地・分布研究の新展開』63-66.
- 佐野勝宏、傳田惠隆、大場正善
2012 「狩猟法同定のための投射実験研究(1)-台形様石器-」『旧石器研究』第8号:45-63.
- 佐野勝宏、鹿又喜隆、洪 惠媛、川口 亮、張 思熠、阿子島香、柳田俊雄
2012 「山形県舟形町高倉山遺跡第3次発掘調査」『第26回東北日本の旧石器文化を語る会予稿集』69-78.
- 高倉 純
2012 「モンゴル高原に旧石器遺跡を探る」『北方博物館交流』23・24: 20-22.
- 高倉 純
2012 「札幌市K39遺跡医学部陽子線研究施設地点の発掘調査」『日本考古学』33:113-122.
- 傳田惠隆、佐野勝宏
2012 「高倉山遺跡出土資料のファブリック解析」『旧石器考古学』76: 69-82.
- Fujimoto, Y., Y. Kondo, A. Kaneda, Y. Seino, H. Yamaguchi, and T. Uozu
2011 Organizing diverse and dispersed information on the endangered cultural properties by a voluntary initiative: consortium for the earthquake-damaged cultural heritage (CEDACH). ISPRS SC Newsletter 5(1): 4.
- Guliyev, F. Y. Nishiaki, F. Huseinov, S. Kadowaki, K. Shimogama, C. Akashi, S. Kume, and O. Zamanov
2011 Archaeological excavations of a Neolithic site of Göytepe. Archaeologcial Researches in Azerbaijian 2010: 52-58.
- Jamous, B. and Y. Nishiaki
2011 Neolithic caves in the Jebel Ansarieh, West Syria. Neo-Lithics 11(2): 16-18.
- Nishiaki, Y.
2011 Excavations at Tell Seker al-Aheimar, Hassake, Tenth season, 2009. Chronique Archeologique en Syrie 5: 61-67.
- Nishiaki, Y., M. Abe, S. Kadowaki, S. Kume, and H. Nakata
2011 Archaeological Survey around Tell Ghanem al-'Ali (II). Al-Rāfidān 32: 189-205.
- Nishiaki, Y., S. Kadowaki, H. Nakata, K. Shimogama, and Y. Hayakawa
2011 Archaeological survey around Tell Gahnem Al-'Ali (IV). Al-Rāfidān 32: 125-133.
- Nishiaki, Y. and K. Nagai
2011 Obsidian knappers at the Late PPNB consumer settlement of Tell Seker Al-Aheimar, Northeast Syria. Paleorient 37(2): 91-105.
- Sano, K.
2011 Mobility and Lithic Economy in the Terminal Pleistocene of Central Honshu. Asian Perspectives 49(2).
- Sano, K., A. Maier, and S. M. Heidenreich
2011 Bois Laiterie revisited: Functional, morphological and technological analysis of Glacial hunting camp in north-western Europe. Journal of Archaeological Science 1468-1484.
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2011 Refitted materials and consideration of lithic reduction sequence among the microblade assemblages: a view from the Okushirataki-1 site, northern Japan. Asian Perspectives 49(2).
- 加藤博文
2011 「旧石器考古学から見たベーリング海峡」『旧石器考古学』75: 93-100.
- 加藤博文
2011 「環境変動と北方狩猟民文化の形成」『第26回北方民族文化シンポジウム 環境変化と先住民の生業文化: 陸域生態系における適応』報告書. 北海道道立北方民族博物館.
- 門脇誠二
2011 「北レヴァント地方における終末期旧石器時代中葉の石器製作伝統」『オリエント』54(2): 134-135.
- 門脇誠二
2011 「南レヴァントの後期新石器集落における空間アクセスの分析と世帯間関係の考察-タバカト・アルブーマの遺跡構造研究から-」『西アジア考古学』12: 1-13.
- 門脇誠二
2011 「大地にさぐる人類史」東京外語大学アジア・アフリカ言語文化研究所編『フィールドプラス』6: 18-19.
- 近藤康久、小口 高
2011 「生態学的予測モデルの考古学への応用に関する研究」『CSIS DAYS 2011 研究アブストラクト集』12.
- 佐野勝宏
2011 「石器に残される狩猟痕跡認定のための指標」『考古学ジャーナル』614: 20-25.
- 佐野勝宏
2011 「彫器再考: 彫刀面打撃の役割に関する機能論的検討」『旧石器研究』7: 15-35.
- 高倉 純
2011 「石器からみた縄文から続縄文時代への変容」『北海道考古学』47:17-32.
- 長井謙治
2011 「旧石器時代終末から縄文時代草創期の北陸」『考古学ジャーナル』610: 25-29.
- 長井謙治
2011 「石器づくりの考古学-実験考古学と縄文時代の始まり」『石器文化研究』16: 44-46.
- 長井謙治
2011 「鈴木報告へのコメント」『石器文化研究』16: 81-82.
- 長井謙治
2011 「〈用語解説〉実験考古学(experimental archaeology)」『知能と情報』23(1): 121.
- 長井謙治
2011 「第3回アジア旧石器協会国際シンポジウム」『旧石器考古学』74: 105-106.
- 長井謙治
2011 「前・中期旧石器時代の石器製作技術 -所謂『鈍角剥離』の再検討から」『旧石器研究』7: 93-106.
- 長井謙治
2011 「捏造問題からみた『モノ』」『Digging Up』21: 7.
- 西秋良宏、門脇誠二、下釜和也
2011 「ユーフラテス河中流域の先史時代-第四次踏査報告」『オリエント』52(2): 215.
- Akazawa, T., Y. Kanjo, Y. Nishiaki, H. Nakata, M. Yoneda, O. Kondo, K. Tanno, and S. Muhesen
2010 The 2007-2008 seasons' excavations at Dederiyeh Cave, Afrin, Northwest Syria. Chronique Archeologique en Syrie 4: 31-38.
- Gibbs, K., S. Kadowaki, and E. B. Banning
2010 Excavations at a Late Neolithic and Early Bronze I al-Basatin in Wadi Ziqlab, northern Jordan. American Journal of Archaeology. 511-512.
- Kadowaki, S.
2010 Holocene book review: A Holocene prehistoric sequence in the Egyptian Red Sea area: The Tree Shelter, edited by Pierre M. Vermeersch, Leuven: Leuven University Press. The Holocene 20(2): 304-305.
- Nishiaki, Y.
2010 The architecture and pottery developments at the Neolithic settlement of Tall-i Jari B, Marv Dasht, Southwest Iran. Archäologische Mitteilungen aus Iran und Turan 42: 113-127.
- Nishiaki, Y.
2010 Early Bronze Age flint technology and flake scatters in the North Syrian steppe along the Middle Euphrates. Levant 42 (2): 170-184.
- Nishiaki, Y.
2010 Excavations at Tell Seker al-Aheimar, Hassake: The 2008 season. Chronique Archeologique en Syrie 4: 67-74.
- Nishiaki, Y.
2010 Archaeological evidence of the Early Bronze Age communities in the Middle Euphrates steppe, North Syria. Al-Rafidan, Special Issue: 37-48.
- Nishiaki, Y.
2010 A radiocarbon chronology of the Neolithic settlement of Tall-i Mushki, Marv Dasht plain, Fars, Iran. Iran 43: 1-10.
- Nishiaki, Y.
2010 The development of architecture and pottery at the Neolithic settlement of Tall-i Jari B, Marv Dasht, Southwest Iran. Archaologische Mitteilungen aus Iran und Turan 42: 113-126.
- Nishiaki, Y. and M. Abe
2010 Archaeological survey around Tell Ghanem Al-Ali (III). Al-Rafidan 31: 125-128.
- Nishiaki, Y., M. Abe, S. Kadowaki, S. Kume, and H. Nakata.
2010 Archaeological survey around Tell Ghanem Al-Ali (II). Al-Rafidan 31: 115-118 (in Arabic).
- Portillo, M., R.M. Albert, S. Kadowaki, and Y. Nishiaki
2010 Domestic activities at Early Neolithic Tell Seker al-Aheimar (Upper Khabur, Northeastern Syria) through phytoliths and spherulites studies. In C. Delhon, I. Théry-Parisot and S. Thiébault (eds.) People and Plants: Landscape Exploitation and Vegetal Resources Management from Prehistoric Times to Present, 19-30. Antebes: Editions APDICA.
- 加藤博文
2010 「シベリアにおける細石刃石器群: 北方狩猟採集民の適応戦略として(下)」『旧石器考古学』72.
- 門脇誠二
2010 「西アジア新石器時代の製粉具に関する技術研究:アイン・アブ・ネケイレ遺跡の事例」『論集忍路子』3: 1-36.
- 近藤康久
2010 「オマーン バート遺跡群」『考古学研究』57(2): 118-120.
- 近藤康久
2010 「GISと高精度センシング技術の活用によるオマーン青銅器時代遺跡群の空間構造の研究」『CSIS DAYS 2010研究アブストラクト集』22.
- 長井謙治
2010 「〈新刊紹介〉愛媛県上黒岩遺跡の研究」『旧石器考古学』73: 57-58.
- 長沼正樹
2010 「いわゆるナイフ形石器文化をめぐる学説史と方法論的展望」『論集忍路子』3: 37-58.
- 西秋良宏
2010 「シリア、デデリエ洞窟」『考古学ジャーナル』602: 31-33.
- 西秋良宏、仲田大人、米田 穣、近藤 修、石井理子、佐々木智彦、Y. Kanjou、S. Muhesen、赤澤 威
2010 「シリア、デデリエ洞窟の先史人類学的発掘 -2009年度調査報告-」『高知工科大学紀要』7(1): 57-69.
- Nishiaki, Y.
2009 Reflections on the Paleolithic and Neolithic sites investigated by the University of Tokyo mission in the Palmyra basin, Syria (1967-1984). Bulletin of the Ancient Orient Museum 28: 9-21.
- Nishiaki, Y.
2009 Reflections on the Paleolithic and Neolithic sites investigated by the University of Tokyo mission in the Palmyra basin, Syria (1967-1984). Bulletin of the Ancient Orient Museum 28: 9-21.
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2009 Archaeological survey around Tell Gahnem Al-'Ali. Al-Rafidan 30: 145-153, 160-163.
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2008 A functional SNP in the CR1 promoter region contributes to protection against cerebral malaria. Journal of Infectious Diseases 198: 1880-1891.
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2009 Influence of dynamic vegetation on climate change arising from increasing CO2. Climate Dynamics 33(5): 645-663.
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2009 Vegetation dynamics and plant CO2 responses as positive feedbacks in a greenhouse world. Geophysical Research Letters 36: L11706.
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2008 Terminal Pleistocene human skeleton from hang Cho Cave, northern Vietnam: implications for the biological affinities of Hoabinian people. Anthropological Science 116(3): 201-217.
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2008 Possible link between multi-decadal climate cycles and periodic reversals of solar magnetic field polarity. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 272(1-2): 290-295.
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2008 Severe developmental defects of enamel in a human skeleton of the Final Jomon age from the Nakazawahama sell-mound, Iwate, Japan. Anthropological Science 116(2): 105-121.
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2008 On the definition of seasons in paleoclimate simulations with orbital forcing. Paleoceanography 23: PA2221.
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2008 Prospects for the New Frontiers of Earth and Environmental Science. Quaternary Geochronology 3: 206-207.
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2008 「シリア、デデリエ洞窟にける先史人類学的調査(2006-2007年度)」『高知工科大学紀要』5(1): 9-23.
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2008 「テキスト情報と地理情報によるグローバルマネジメント」『総合政策研究』(特集:持続可能社会構築のための総合政策研究)30: 131-137.
- 米田 穣、向井人史、蔡 錫圭
2008 「台湾先史時代遺跡から出土した古人骨と、近代ブヌン人骨における炭素・窒素同位体分析」Anthropological Science (Japanese Series) 116(2): 161-170.
- Abe-Ouchi, A., T. Segawa, and F. Saito
2007 Climatic Conditions for modeling the Northern Hemisphere ice sheets throughout the ice age cycle. Climate of the Past 3(3): 423-438.
- Hayakawa, Y.S., T. Oguchi, J. Komatsubara, K. Ito, K. Hori, and Y. Nishiaki
2007 Rapid on-site topographic mapping with a handheld laser range finder for a geoarchaeological survey in Syria. Geographical Research 45: 95-104.
- Kondo, R., S. Tsukamoto, H. Tachibana, Y. Miyairi, and Y. Yokoyama
2007 Age of glacial and periglacial landforms in northern Hokkaido, Japan, using OSL dating of fine grain quartz. Quaternary Geochronology 2: 260-265.
- Nakagawa, R., M. Yoneda, H. Uno, and Y. Shibata
2007 AMS 14C dating of mammalian remains from Naumann Branch of Seiryukutsu Cave, Hiraodai Karst Plateau, Fukuoka Prefecture, Japan. Journal of the Speleological Society of Japan 32: 35-41.
- Nara, F., A. Imai, M. Yoneda, K. Matsushige, K. Komatsu, T. Nagai, Y. Shibata, and T. Watanabe
2007 Seasonal variation in the sources of dissolved organic carbon in a lacustrine environment revealed by paired isotopic measurements (Δ14C and δ13C). Radiocarbon 49(2): 767-773.
- Takahashi, K., G. B. Wei, H. Uno, M. Yoneda, C. Z. Jin, C. K. Sun, S. Zhang, and B. Zhong
2007 AMS 14C chronology of the world’s southernmost woolly mammoth (Mammuthus primigenius Blum.). Quaternary Science Reviews 26: 954-957.
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2007 The modern and glacial overturning circulation in the Atlantic Ocean in PMIP coupled model simulations. Climate of the Past 3(1): 51-64.
- Yanase, W. and A. Abe-Ouchi
2007 The LGM surface climate and atmospheric circulation over East Asia and the North Pacific in the PMIP2 coupled model simulations. Climate of the Past 3(3): 439-451.
- Yokoyama, Y., Y. Miyairi, H. Matsuzak,i and F. Tsunomori
2007 Relation between acid dissolution time in the vacuum test tube and time required for graphitization for AMS target preparation. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B 259: 330-334.
- Yokoyama, Y., Y. Kido, R. Tada, I. Minami, R.C. Finkel, and H. Matsuzaki
2007 Japan Sea Oxygen isotope stratigraphy and global sea-level changes for the last 50,000 years recorded in sediment cores from the Oki ridge. Palaeogeography, Pakaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 247: 5-17.
- Yoneda, M., H. Uno, Y. Shibata, R. Suzuki, Y. Kumamoto, K. Yoshida, T. Sasaki, A. Suzuki, and H. Kawahata
2007 Radiocarbon marine reservoir ages in the western Pacific estimated by pre-bomb molluscan shells. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B 259: 432-437.
- 阿部彩子、山中康博
2007 「古気候モデリング」『日本気象学会誌 天気』12: 3-12.
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2006 A GCM study on the green Sahara during the mid-Holocene: An impact of convection originating above boundary layer. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres 111.
- Matsumura, H., M. Yoneda, T. Suzuki, and H. Shudai
2006 Early historic human remains from Hasekouji-Shuhen site in Kamakura, Japan. Anthropological Science 114d: 199-210.
- Nakagawa, R., M. Yoneda, Y. Shibata, and H. Uno
2006 14C dating of mammalian remains from the Southern Karst Plateau, Fukuoka Prefecture, Japan. Bulletin of the Akiyoshi-dai Museum of Natural History 41: 11-16.
- Yoneda, M., H. Nakata, M. Aoki, O. Kondo, Y. Nishiaki, and T. Akazawa
2006 Age determination at the Dederiyeh Cave, Syrian Arab Republic. Anthropological Science 114(3): 251.
- 西秋良宏、仲田大人、青木美千子、須藤寛史、米田 穣、近藤 修、赤澤 威
2006 「シリア・デデリエ洞窟における2005年度の発掘調査」『高知工科大学紀要』3(1): 135-153.
- 藤田晴啓、森 洋久
2006 「GLOBALBASE における空間ポータルコンテンツ開発-座標系・マッピング機能の特徴および公共マップベース」『現代社会研究』3: 19-29.
- Kageyama, M., S. P. Harrison, and A. Abe-Ouchi
2005 The depression of tropical snowlines at the Last Glacial Maximum: what can we learn from climate model experiments? Quaternary International 138: 202-219.
- Yokoyama, Y., T. Aze, H. Murasawa, and H. Matsuzaki
2005 Terrestrial Cosmogenic Nuclides as a tool for studying earth surface processes. Bulletin of the Geological Society Japan 111: 693-700.
- Yoneda, M., A. Saso, R. Suzuki, Y. Shibata, M. Morita, G. Suwa, and T. Akazawa
2005 Chronology of the Yayoi skeletal remains from the Kanto district, Japan: a preliminary re-evaluation by radiocarbon dating on postcranial materials. Anthropological Science 113: 169-182.
- 西秋良宏、仲田大人、青木美千子、近藤 修、米田 穣、赤澤 威
2005 「シリア・デデリエ洞窟の発掘調査と文化層序(2003-2004年度)」『高知工科大紀要』2(1): 31-62.
- Yoneda, M., Y. Shibata, M. Morita, R. Suzuki, T. Sukegawa, N. Shigehara, and T. Akazawa
2004 Isotopic evidence of inland-water fishing by a Jomon population excavated from the Boji site, Nagano, Japan. Journal of Archaeological Science 31: 97-107.
- Yoneda, M., Y. Shibata, M. Morita, M. Hirota, R. Suzuki, K. Uzawa, N. Ohshima, and Y. Dodo
2004 Interspecies comparison of marine reservoir ages at the Kitakogane shell midden, Hokkaido, Japan. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B 223-224: 376-381.
- Ogihara, N., H. Amano, T. Kikuchi, Y. Morita, K. Hasegawa, T. Kochiyama, and H.C. Tanabe
2015 Towards digital reconstruction of fossil crania and brain morphology, Anthropological Science, Vol.123: 57-68.
- Bruner, E., J.M. de la Cuetara, M. Masters, H. Amano, and N. Ogihara
2014 Functional craniology and brain evolution: from paleontology to biomedicine. Frontiers in Neuroanatomy, Vol.8, No.19: 1-15.
- Michikawa, T., M. Moriguchi, and H. Suzuki
2014 Feature-preserving outermost-surface polygonization from CT images. Computer-Aided Design and Applications, Vol. 11, No. 2: .239-243. DOI: 10.1080/16864360.2014.846098
- Kikuchi, T. and N. Ogihara
2013 Computerized assembly of neurocranial fragments based on surface extrapolation, Anthropological Science, Vol. 121(2): 115-122.
- Morita, Y., N. Ogihara, T. Kanai, and H. Suzuki
2013 Quantification of neurocranial shape variation using the shortest paths connecting pairs of anatomical landmarks, American Journal of Physical Anthropology, Vol. 151: 658-666.
- Fukase, H.
2012 Interspecies Difference in Placement of Developing Teeth and Its Relationship With Cross-Sectional Geometry of the Mandibular Symphysis in Four Primate Species Including Modern Humans. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 147(2): 217-226.
- Fukase, H., T. Wakebe, T. Tsurumoto, K. Saiki, M. Fujita, and H. Ishida
2012 Facial characteristics of the prehistoric and early-modern inhabitants of the Okinawa islands in comparison to the contemporary people of Honshu. Anthropological Science 120(1): 23-32.
- 石田 肇、増田隆一
2012 「アイヌ民族とオホーツク文化人集団」『季刊考古学』118: 85-87.
- 近藤 修
2012 「ネアンデルタール人は絶滅したか」『季刊考古学』118: 43-45.
- Fukase, H.
2011 Relationship Between Canine Dimorphism and Mandibular Morphology in the Hamadryas Baboon and the Japanese Monkey. American Journal of Physical Anthropology. 144: 607-616.
- Fukase, H., T. Wakebe, T. Tsurumoto, K. Saiki, M. Fujita, and H. Ishida
2011 Facial characteristics of the prehistoric and early-modern inhabitants of the Okinawa islands in comparison to the contemporary people of Honshu. Anthropological Science. DOI: 10.1537/ase.110411.
- Hishida H, H. Suzuki, T. Michikawa, Y. Ohtake, and S. Oota
2011 CT Image Segmentation Using FEM with Optimized Boundary Condition, PLoS ONE 7.
- Katsumura, T., S. Oda, K. Tsukamoto, Y. Sekiya, T. Yamashita, M. Aso, M. Hata, M. Nonaka, S. Mano, H. Ishida, H. Mitani, S. Kawamura, and H. Oota
2011 A population genetic study on the relationship between medaka fish and the spread of wet-rice cultivation across the Japanese archipelago. Anthropological Science. DOI: 10.1537/ase.110525.
- Kazuta, H., T. Sato, Y. Dodo, H. Matsumura, T. Amano, H. Ishida, and R. Masuda
2011 Genotype frequencies of the ABCC11 gene in 2000-3000-year-old human bones from the Epi-Jomon and Jomon sites in Hokkaido, Japan. Anthropological Science. 119:81-86. DOI: 101537/ase100416.
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2011 Human skeletal remains from Bishri region, excavated during 2009 seasons. Al-Rafidan 32: 123-125.
- X. Liu, H. Suzuki, and Y. Ohtake
2011 Medical Fixture Design with CT Images, J. Computer-Aided Design and Applications, 8: 421-433.
- Nagaoka, T., H. Ishida, Y. Shimoda, M. Sunagawa, T. Amano, H. Ono, and K. Hirata
2011 Estimation of skeletal adult age distribution of Okhotsk people in northern Japan. Anthropological Science. 120(2): 103-113.
- Saitou, N., R. Kimura, H. Fukase, A. Yogi, S. Murayama, and H. Ishida
2011 Advanced CT images reveal nonmetric cranial variations in living humans. Anthropological Science. DOI: 10.1537/ase.100928.
- Satoh, Y., Y. Kobayashi, G. Pages, J. Pouyssegur, and T. Kazama
2011 Deletion of ERK1 and ERK2 in the CNS causes cortical abnormalities and neonatal lethality: Erk1deficiency enhances the impairment of neurogenesis in Erk2-deficient mice. Journal of Neuroscience 31(3): 1149-1155.
- Satoh, Y., S. Endo, T. Nakata, Y. Kobayashi, K. Yamada, T. Ikeda, T. Hiramoto, Y. Watanabe, and T. Kazama
2011 ERK2 Contributes to the Control of Social Behaviors in Mice. .Journal of Neuroscience 31(33): 11953-11967.
- Shimoda, Y., T. Nagaoka, K. Moromizato, M. Sunagawa, T. Hanihara, M. Yoneda, K. Hirata, H. Ono, T. Amano, T. Fukumine, and H. Ishida
2011 Degenerative changes of the spine in people from the Okhotsk culture and two ancient groups from Kanto and Okinawa, Japan. Anthropological Science. DOI: 10.1537/ase.100925.c.
- Suwa, G., H. Fukase, R. T. Kono, D. Kubo, and M. Fujita
2011 Mandibular tooth root size in modern Japanese, prehistoric Jomon, and Late Pleistocene Minatogawa human fossils. Anthropological Science. 119: 159-171.
- Yang, C., Y. Ohtake, and H. Suzuki
2011 Sealed Decomposition of a Triangular Mesh with Tetrahedral Mesh Segmentation, J. Computer-Aided Design and Applications, 8: 383-394.
- 小林 靖
2011 「帯状回 -皮質構造と線維結合」『Brain and Nerve』63(5): 473-482.
- 小林 靖、寺田純雄
2011 「神経解剖学の見方、考え方:脳の発生と区分(1)」『Clinical Neuroscience』29 (5): 492-493.
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2011 「神経解剖学の見方、考え方:脳の発生と区分(2)」『Clinical Neuroscience』29 (6): p.612-613.
- 小林 靖、寺田純雄
2011 「神経解剖学の見方、考え方:脳神経の発生と区分(1)」『Clinical Neuroscience』29(7): p.728-729.
- 小林 靖、寺田純雄
2011 「神経解剖学の見方、考え方:脳神経の発生と区分(2)」『Clinical Neuroscience』29(8): p.856-857.
- 近藤 修
2011 「化石人類の脳と左右差」『Clinical Neuroscience』29: 642-644.
- Akazawa, T., Y. Kanjo, Y. Nishiaki, H. Nakata, M. Yoneda, O. Kondo, K. Tanno, and S. Muhesen
2010 The 2007-2008 seasons’ excavations at Dederiyeh Cave, Afrin, Northwest Syria. Chronique Archeologique en Syrie 4: 31-38.
- Fukumoto, I. and O. Kondo
2010 3D craniofacial variation and occlusal wear severity among inhabitants of Hokkaido: comparisons of Okhotsk culture people and the Ainu. Anthropological Science, in press.
- Kaburagi, M., H. Ishida, M. Goto, and T. Hanihara
2010 Comparative studies of the Ainu, their ancestors, and neighbors: ssessment based on metric and nonmetric dental data. Anthropological Science. 118:95-106. DOI: 10.1537/ase090603.
- Matsukusa, H., H. Oota, K. Haneji, T. Toma, S. Kawamura, and H. Ishida
2010 A genetic study of the Sakishima Islanders reveals no relationship with Taiwan Aborigines but Ainu and main-island Japanese. American Journal of Physical Anthropology. 142:211-223. DOI 10.1002/ajpa.21212.
- Matsuura, Y., N. Ogihara, and M. Nakatsukasa
2010 A method for quantifying articular surface morphology of metacarpals using quadric surface approximation. International Journal of Primatology 31(2): 263-274.
- Michikawa, T. and H. Suzuki
2010 Sparse Grid Distance Transforms. Graphical Models 72: 35-45.
- Naito, Y. I., Y. Chikaraishi, N. Ohkouchi, H. Mukai, Y. Shibata, N. V. Honck, Y. Dodo, H. Ishida, T. Amano, H. Ono, and M. Yoneda
2010 Dietary reconstruction of the Okhotsk Culture of Hokkaido, Japan, based on nitrogen isosopic composition of amino acids: implication for the correction of radiocarbon marine reservoir effects on human bones. Radiocarbon 52: 671-681.
- Nakashima, A., H. Ishida, M. Shigematsu, M. Goto, and T. Hanihara
2010 Nonmetric cranial variation of Jomon Japan: implicatones for the evolution of eastern Asian diversity. American Journal of Human Biology. 22:782-790. DOI: 10.1002/ajhb.21083.
- Ogihara, N., H. Makishima, and M. Nakatsukasa
2010 Three-dimensional musculoskeletal kinematics during bipedal locomotion in the Japanese macaque reconstructed based on an anatomical model-matching method. Journal of Human Evolution 58: 252-261.
- Sato, T., H. Kazuta, T. Amano, H. Ono, H. Ishida, H. Kodera, H. Matsumura, M. Yoneda, Y. Dodo, and R. Masuda.
2010 Polymorphisms and allele frequencies of the ABO blood group gene among the Jomon, Epi-Jomon, and Okhotsk people in Hokkaido, northern Japan revealed by ancient DNA analysis. Journal of Human Genetics. 55: 691-696. DOI: 10.1038/jhg.2010.90.
- Yano, W., N. Egi, T. Takano, and N. Ogihara
2010 Prenatal ontogeny of subspecific variation in the craniofacial morphology of the Japanese macaque (Macaca fuscata). Primates; journal of primatology 51 (3): 263-71.
- 荻原直道
2010 「工学的手法を応用した人類進化研究の新展開」『計測と制御』49: 837-843.
- 西秋良宏、仲田大人、米田 穣、近藤 修、石井理子、佐々木智彦、Y. Kanjou、S. Muhesen、赤澤 威
2010 「シリア、デデリエ洞窟の先史人類学的発掘 -2009年度調査報告」『高知工科大学紀要』7(1): 57-69.
- Hanihara, T. and H. Ishida
2009 Regional differences in craniofacial diversity and population history of Jomon Japan. American Journal of Physical Anthropology. 139: 311-322. DOI: 10.1002/ajpa.20985.
- Igarashi, Y., T. Igarashi, and H. Suzuki
2009 Interactive Cover Design Considering Physical Constraints. Pacific Graphics 2009 Computer Graphics Forum 28 (7): 1965-1973.
- Ishida, H., T. Hanihara, O. Kondo, and T. Fukumine
2009 Craniometric divergence history of the Japanese populations. Anthropological Science. 117: 147-156. DOI: 10.1537/ase.0812 19.
- Kagaya, M., N. Ogihara, and M. Nakatsukasa
2009 Rib orientation and implications for orthograde positional behavior in non-human anthropoids. Primates 50: 305-310.
- Kimura, R., T. Yamaguchi, M. Takeda, O. Kondo 他9名
2009 A common variation in EDAR is a genetic determinant of shovel-shaped incisors. American Journal of Human Genetics 85: 528-535.
- Matsumura, H., H. Ishida, T. Amano, H. Ono, and M. Yoneda
2009 Biological affinities of Okhotsk-culture people with east Siberians and Arctic people based on dental characteristics. Anthropological Science 117(2): 121-132.
- Michikawa, T. and H. Suzuki
2009 Spherical Distance Transforms. Journal of Computer Science and Software Technology (IJCSST) 2(2): July- Dec’2009.
- Miura, T., C.A. Perlyn, M. Kinboshi, N. Ogihara, M. Kobayashi-Miura, G.M. Morriss-Kay, and K. Shiota
2009 Mechanism of skull suture maintenance and interdigitation. Journal of Anatomy 215: 642-655.
- Nagai, Y., Y. Ohtake and H. Suzuki
2009 Smoothing of Partition of Unity Implicit Surfaces for Noise Robust Surface Reconstruction. Marc Alexa and Michael Kazhdan (Guest Editors) Eurographics Symposium on Geometry Processing 28(5): 1339-1348.
- Ogihara, N., H. Makishima, and H. Ishida
2009 Geometric morphometric study of temporal variations in human crania excavated from the Himrin basin and neighboring areas, northern Iraq. Anthropological Science 117(1): 9-17.
- Ogihara, N., H. Makishima, S. Aoi, Y. Sugimoto, K. Tsuchiya, and M. Nakatsukasa
2009 Development of an Anatomically Based Whole-Body Musculoskeletal Model of the Japanese Macaque (Macaca fuscata). American Journal of Physical Anthropology 139: 323-338.
- Oishi, M., N. Ogihara, H. Endo, N. Ichihara, and M. Asari
2009 Dimensions of forelimb muscles in orangutans and chimpanzees. Journal of Anatomy 215: 373-382.
- Oishi, M., N. Ogihara, H. Endo, T. Komiya, S. Kawada, T. Tomiyama, Y. Sugiura, N. Ichihara, and M. Asari
2009 Dimensions of the foot muscles in the lowland gorilla. Journal of Veterinary Medical Science 71: 821-824.
- Sato, T., T.Amano, H. Ono, H. Ishida, H. Kodera, H. Matsumura, M. Yoneda, and R. Masuda
2009 Mitochondrial DNA haplogrouping of the Okhotsk people due to ancient DNA analysis: an intermediate of gene flow from the continental- Sakhalin people to the Ainu. Anthropological Science. 117: 171-180.
- Sato, T., T. Amano, H. Ono, H. Ishida, H. Kodera, H. Matsumura, M. Yoneda, and R. Masuda
2009 Allele frequencies of the ABCC11 gene for earwax phenotypes among ancient populations of Hokkaido, Japan. Journal of Human Genetics 54: 409-413.
- Shammaa, M.H., H. Suzuki, and Y. Ohtake
2009 Extraction of Isosurfaces from Multi-Material CT Volumetric Data of Mechanical Parts. J. Computer-Aided Design.
- Sugi, M., I. Matsumura, Y. Tamura, H. Suzuki 他9名
2009 Quantitative Evaluation of Automatic Parts Delivery in Human Supporting Cell Production System “Attentive Workbench.” Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics 21 (1): 135-145.
- Sugimoto, Y., S. Aoi, N. Ogihara, and K. Tsuchiya
2009 The Stabilizing function of musculoskeletal system for periodic motion. Advanced Robotics 23: 521-534.
- Tsujikawa, H., N. Ogihara, M. Saneyoshi, and H. Ishida
2009 The late Miocene to early Pliocene fauna from the Kongia and Tirr Tirr Formations, Samburu Hills, northern Kenya. Cainozoic Research 6: 53-60.
- 青井伸也、荻原直道
2009 「神経筋骨格モデルに基づくヒトの歩行シミュレーション」『計測と制御』48: 687-692.
- 五十嵐悠紀、五十嵐健夫、鈴木宏正
2009 「あみぐるみのための3次元モデリングと製作支援インタフェース」『コンピュータソフトウェア』26 (1): 51-58.日本ソフトウェア科学会.
- 蔵元秀一,譜久嶺忠彦,久高正臣、西銘 章、石田 肇
2009 「沖縄県久米島近世人骨の距骨蹲踞面形状と脛骨蹲踞面形状の関係」『Anthropological Science (Japanese series)』117:55-63.
- 西秋良宏、仲田大人、米田 穣、近藤 修、石井理子、丹野研一、赤澤 威
2009 「シリア北西部、デデリエ洞窟における20年度先史人類学的調査」『高知工科大学紀要』6(1): 1-15.
- 巻島美幸、荻原直道
2009 「幾何学的形態測定学を用いた縄文人頭蓋骨の3次元形態解析」『Anthropological Science (Japanese Series)』117: 11-21.
- 道川隆士、中崎 瞬、鈴木宏正
2009 「大規模CTデータからの中立ボクセル抽出法」『日本機械学会論文集C編』75 (756): 2165-2170.
- Aoi, S., N. Ogihara, Y. Sugimoto, and K. Tsuchiya
2008 Simulating adaptive human bipedal locomotion based on phase resetting using foot-contact information. Advanced Robotics 22: 1697-1713.
- Igarashi, Y., T. Igarashi, and H. Suzuki
2008 Knitting a 3D Model, Proc. Pacific Graphics 2008, J. Computer Graphics Forum 27 (7): 1737-1743.
- Irei, K., N. Doi, T. Fukumine, A. Nishimei, T. Hanihara, M. Yoneda, and H. Ishida
2008 Dental diseases of human skeletal remains from the early-modern period of Kumejima island, Okinawa, Japan. Anthropological Science 116(2): 149-159.
- Kagaya, M., N. Ogihara, and M. Nakatsukasa
2008 Morphological study of the anthropoid thoracic cage: scaling of thoracic width and analysis of rib curvature. Primates 49: 89-99.
- Komesu, A., T. Hanihara, T. Amano, H. Ono, M. Yoneda, Y. Dodo, T. Fukumine, and H. Ishida
2008 Nonmetric cranial variation in human skeletal remains associated with Okhotsk culture. Anthropological Science 116(1): 33-47.
- Morimoto, N., N. Ogihara, K. Katayama, and K. Shiota
2008 Three-dimensional ontogenetic shape changes in the human cranium during the fetal period. Journal of Anatomy 212: 627-635.
- Oishi, M., N. Ogihara, H. Endo, and M. Asari
2008 Muscle architecture of the upper limb in the orangutan. Primates 49: 204-209.
- Ponce de Leon, M., L. Golovanova, V. Doronichev, G. Romanova, T. Akazawa, O. Kondo, H. Ishida, and C.P.E. Zollikofer
2008 Neanderthal brain size at birth provides insights into the evolution of human life history. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 105(37): 13764-13768.
- 荻原直道
2008 「初期人類の二足歩行運動の生体力学的復元:現状と課題」『Anthropological Science (Japanese Series)』116(2): 99-113..
- 西秋良宏、仲田大人、米田 穣、近藤 修、丹野研一、赤澤 威
2008 「シリア、デデリエ洞窟にける先史人類学的調査(2006-2007年度)」『高知工科大学紀要』5(1): 9-23.
- Fukushige, S. and H. Suzuki
2007 Polygon Visibility Ordering via Voronoi Diagrams. The Visual Computer Journal 23(7): 1432-2315.
- Ogihara, N., E. Hirasaki, H. Kumakura, and M. Nakatsukasa
2007 Ground reaction force profiles of bipedal walking in bipedally-trained Japanese monkeys. Journal of Human Evolution 53: 302-308.
- Shammaa, M.H., H. Suzuki, and T. Michikawa
2007 Registration of CAD mesh models with CT volume data of Assembly of Machine Parts. The Visual Computer 23(12): 965-974.
- 荻原直道
2007 「直立二足歩行の進化と筋骨格系の構造改変」『ブレインメディカル』19: 381-386.
- 近藤 修
2007 「ネアンデルタールの誕生と消滅」『遺伝』20: 93-97.
- 近藤 修
2007 「ネアンデルタール人の核DNA塩基配列を読む」『遺伝』61: 2-3.
- 近藤 修、福本 敬、藤森智行、菱田寛之、鈴木宏正、赤澤 威
2007 「化石人類の脳:ネアンデルタール人と早期現代型新人の頭蓋エンドキャスト復元」『高知工科大学紀要』4(1): 13-22.
- 長井超慧、杉原厚吉、鈴木宏正
2007 「頂点追加による2次元DistMeshの等方性向上」『日本応用数理学会 論文誌』17(3): 195-217.
- Fujimori, T. and H. Suzuki
2006 Surface Extraction from Multi-material CT Data. International Journal of CAD/CAM 6(1): 81-87.
- Fujimori, T., Y. Kobayashi, and H. Suzuki
2006 Separated Medial Surface Extraction from CT Data of Machine Parts. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Springer, Berlin. 4077: 313-324.
- Nakatsukasa, M., E. Hirasaki, and N. Ogihara
2006 Energy expenditure of bipedal walking is higher than that of quadrupedal walking in Japanese macaques. Am. J. Phys. Anthropol 131: 33-37.
- Nara, T. and O. Kondo
2006 Comparison of cranial morphology of Amud and Qafzeh. Anthropological Science 114(3): 258.
- Ogihara, N., M. Nakatsukasa, Y. Nakano, and H. Ishida
2006 Computerized restoration of nonhomogeneous deformation of a fossil cranium based on bilateral symmetry. Am. J. Phys. Anthropol 130: 1-9.
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2006 Age determination at the Dederiyeh Cave, Syrian Arab Republic. Anthropological Science 114(3): 251.
- Zollikofer, C.P.E., M. Ponce de Leon, and T. Akazawa
2006 La naissance des enfants virtuels. Les Dossiers de la Recherche 24: 34-39.
- 荻原直道、工内毅郎、中務真人
2006 「チンパンジー手部構造の解剖学的精密筋骨格モデル」『バイオメカニズム』18: 35-44.
- 近藤 修
2006 「ヒト進化にみられるパラドックス:直立二足歩行と出産」『バイオメカニクス研究』10: 167-176.
- 西秋良宏、仲田大人、青木美千子、須藤寛史、米田 穣、近藤 修、赤澤 威
2006 「シリア・デデリエ洞窟における2005年度の発掘調査」『高知工科大学紀要』3(1): 135-153.
- 三谷 純、鈴木宏正
2006 「集約法による多面体の展開図生成手法」『日本図学会 図学研究』39(4): 3-9.
- Fujimori, T., H. Suzuki, Y. Kobayashi, and K. Kase
2005 Contouring Medial Surface of Thin Plate Structure using Local Marching Cubes. J. Computeing and Information Science in Engineering. 5(2): 111-115.
- Martin, R., P. Varley, and H. Suzuki
2005 Labelling Engineering Line Drawings Using Depth Reasoning. J. Computeing and Information Science in Engineering. 5 (2): 158-167.
- Ogihara, N., T. Kunai, and M. Nakatsukasa
2005 Muscle dimensions in the chimpanzee hand. Primates 46: 275-280.
- Ogihara, N., H. Usui, H. Hirasaki, Y. Hamada, and M. Nakatsukasa
2005 Kinematic analysis of bipedal locomotion of a Japanese macaque that lost its forearms due to congenital malformation. Primates 46: 11-19.
- Peng, W., H. Suzuki, and K. Kase
2005 Mode-based Simulation System for Planning Numerical Contolled Muti-Axis 3D Surface Scanning Machine. J. JSME, Series C 48(4): 748-756.
- Peng, W., H. Suzuki, and K. Kase
2005 Three-Axis NC Cutter Path Generation for Subdivision Surface with Z-map. J. JSME, Series C 48(4): 757-762.
- Varley, P.A.C., R.R. Martin, and H. Suzuki
2005 Frontal Geometry from Sketches of Engineering Objects: Is Line Labelling Necessary? Computer-Aided Design 37(12): 1285-1307.
- 安達宜隆、道川隆士、藤森智行、鈴木宏正
2005 「厚さ分布を用いた薄板形状のパラメータ化による変形前後の対応付け」『精密工学会誌論文集』72(1): 147-151.
- 荻原直道
2005 「ヒトのマニピュレーション能力の起源を探る」『日本ロボット学会誌』23: 768-772.
- 西秋良宏、仲田大人、青木美千子、近藤 修、米田 穣、赤澤 威
2005 「シリア・デデリエ洞窟の発掘調査と文化層序(2003-2004年度)」『高知工科大紀要』2(1): 31-62.
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2005 「折り紙の構造把握のための形状構築とCG 表示」『情報処理学会論文誌』46(1): 247-254.
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2004 Bone histomorphology of the Dederiyeh Neanderthal child. Anthropological Science 112: 247-256.
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2000 Estimation of stature from the skeletal reconstruction of an immature Neandertal from Dederiyeh Cave, Syria. Journal of Human Evolution 38: 457-473.
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2000 「ネアンデルタール人の成長・発育パターン」『解剖学雑誌』75: 231-239.
- 近藤 修
2000 「中東のネアンデルタール人と新人の起源」『国立科学博物館ニュース』376: 8-10.
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1999 New Discovery of a Neanderthal child burial from the Dederiyeh Cave in Syria. Paleorient 25(2): 127-140.
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1998 「デデリエ・ネアンデルタール:資料整理から骨格復元まで」『古代文化』50(3): 135-138.
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1995 Neanderthal Infant Burial. Nature 377: 585-586.
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1995 Neanderthal infant burial from the Dederiyeh Cave in Syria. Paleorient 21: 77-86.
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1993 The Neanderthal Remains from the Dederiyeh Cave, Syria: Interim Report. Anthropological Science 101(4): 361-387.
- Kawamichi, H., R. Kitada, K. Yoshihara, H. Takahashi, and N. Sadato
2015 Interpersonal touch suppresses visual processing of aversive stimuli. Front Hum Neurosci, 9: 164.
- Kawamichi, H., K. Yoshihara, A.T. Sasaki, S.K. Sugawara, H.C. Tanabe, R. Shinohara, Y. Sugisawa, K. Tokutake, Y. Mochizuki, T. Anme, and, N. Sadato
2015 Perceiving active listening activates the reward system and improves the impression of relevant experiences. Soc Neurosci, 10: 16-26.
- Koike, T., H.C. Tanabe, and N. Sadato
2015 Hyperscanning neuroimaging technique to reveal the "two-in-one" system in social interactions. Neurosci Res, 90: 25-32.
- Matsuyoshi, D., T. Morita, T. Kochiyama, H.C. Tanabe, N. Sadato, and R. Kakigi
2015 Dissociable cortical pathways for qualitative and quantitative mechanisms in the face inversion effect. J Neurosci, 35(10): 4268-4279.
- Ogihara, N., H. Amano, T. Kikuchi, Y. Morita, K. Hasegawa, T. Kochiyama, and H.C. Tanabe
2015 Towards digital reconstruction of fossil crania and brain morphology. Anthropol Sci, 123(1): 57-68.
- Sato, W., Y. Kubota, T. Kochiyama, S. Uono, S. Yoshimura, R. Sawada, M. Sakihama, and M. Toichi
2015 Increased putamen volume in adults with autism spectrum disorder. Front Hum Neurosci, 8: 1.
- Nakajima, K., T. Minami, H.C. Tanabe, N. Sadato, and S. Nakauchi
2014 Facial color processing in the face-selective regions: An fMRI study. Hum Brain Mapp, 35(9): 4958-4964.
- Okamoto, Y., R. Kitada, H.C. Tanabe, M.J. Hayashi, T. Kochiyama, T. Munesue, M. Ishitobi, D.N. Saito, H.T. Yanaka, M. Omori, Y. Wada, H. Okazawa, A.T. Sasaki, T. Morita, S. Itakura, H. Kosaka, and N. Sadato
2014 Attenuation of the contingency detection effect in the extrastriate body area in autism spectrum disorder. Neurosci Res, 87: 66-76.
- Sato, W., T. Kochiyama, S. Uono, K. Matsuda, K. Usui, Y. Inoue, and M. Toichi
2014 Rapid, high-frequency, and theta-coupled gamma oscillations in the inferior occipital gyrus during face processing. Cortex, 60: 52-68. eaqually contributed.
- Taminato, T., N. Miura, M. Sugiura, and R. Kawashima
2014 Neuronal sbstragtes characterizing two stages in visual object recognition. Neurosci Res, 89: 61-68.
- 定藤規弘
2014 「「私たち」の脳科学に向けて:2個人同時計測MRI研究」『臨床神経科学』32(7): 797-799.
- 定藤規弘
2014 「機能的MRIによる社会能力発達における神経基盤の解明」『脳神経外科ジャーナル』 23(4): 318-324.
- Iida, S., H.C. Tanabe, T. Nakao, and H. Ohira
2013 Modulation of emotion by cognitive activity. Psychol Topics, 2, 205-219.
- Kawamichi, H, A.T. Sasaki, M. Matsunaga, K. Yoshihara, H.K. Takahashi, H.C. Tanabe, and N. Sadato
2013 Medial prefrontal cortex activation is commonly invoked by reputation of self and romantic partners. PLoS One, 8(9): e74958.
- Kitada, R., Y. Okamoto, A.T. Sasaki, T. Kochiyama, M. Miyahara, S.J. Lederman, and N. Sadato
2013 Early visual experience and the recognition of basic facial expressions: involvement of the middle temporal and inferior frontal gyri during haptic identification by the early blind. Front Hum Neurosci, 7: 7.
- Makita, K., M. Yamazaki, H.C. Tanabe, T. Koike, T. Kochiyama, H. Yokokawa, H. Yoshida, and N. Sadato
2013 A functional magnetic resonance imaging study of foreign-language vocabulary learning enhanced by phonological rehearsal: the role of the right cerebellum and left fusiform gyrus. Mind Brain Education, 7(4): 213-224.
- Miyahara, M., R. Kitada, A. Sasaki, Y. Okamoto, H.C. Tanabe, and N. Sadato
2013 From gestures to words: Spontaneous verbal labeling of complex sequential hand movements reduces fMRI activation of the imitation-related regions. Neurosci Res, 75: 228-238.
- Miyahara, M., T. Harada, T. Ruffman, N. Sadato, and T. Iidaka
2013 Functional connectivity between amygdala and facial regions involved in recognition of facial threat. Soc Cogn Affect Neurosci, 8 (Epub ahead of print).
- Morita, T., H.C. Tanabe, A.T. Sasaki, K. Shimada, R. Kakigi, and N. Sadato
2013 The anterior insular and anterior cingulate cortices in emotional processing for self-face recognition. Soc Cogn Affect Neurosci, nst011 (e-pub ahead of print).
- Sato, W., T. Kochiyama, S. Uono, K. Matsuda, K. Usui, Y. Inoue, and M. Toichi
2013 Rapid and multiple-stage activation of the human amygdala for processing facial signals. Commun Integr Biol, 6: e24562.
- Yoshida, Y., H.C. Tanabe, M.J. Hayashi, H. Kawamichi, T. Kochiyama, and N. Sadato
2013 The neural substrates of the warning effect: A functional magnetic resonance imaging study. Neurosci Res, 76: 230-239.
- Kawamichi, H., H.C. Tanabe, H. Takahashi, and N. Sadato
2012 Activation of the reward system during sympathetic concern is mediated by two types of empathy in a familiarity-dependent manner. Soc Neurosci, 8: 90-100.
- Mizuno, K., Tanaka M, H.C. Tanabe, N. Sadato, and Y. Watanabe
2012 The neural substrates associated with attentional resources and difficulty of concurrent processing of the two verbal tasks. Neuropsychologia, 50: 1998-2009.
- Sasaki, A.T., T. Kochiyama, M. Sugiura, H.C. Tanabe, and N. Sadato
2012 Neural networks for action representation: a functional magnetic-resonance imaging and dynamic causal modeling study. Front Hum Neurosci, 6, Article 236: 1-17.
- Sato, W., M. Toichi, S. Uono, and T. Kochiyama
2012 Impaired social brain network for processing dynamic facial expressions in autism spectrum disorders. BMC Neurosci, 13: 99.
- Sugawara, S.K., S. Tanaka, S. Okazaki, K. Watanabe, and N. Sadato
2012 social rewards enhance offline improvements in motor skills. PLoS One, 7: e48174.
- Tanabe, H.C., H. Kosaka, D.N. Saito, T. Koike, M.J. Hayashi, K. Izuma, H. Komeda, M. Ishitobi, M. Omori, T. Munesue, H. Okazawa, Y. Wada, and N. Sadato
2012 Hard to “tune in”: neural mechanisms of live face-to-face interaction with high-functioning autistic spectrum disorder. Front Hum Neurosci, 6, Article 268: 1-15. eaqually contributed.
- Uchiyama, H., D.N. Saito, H.C. Tanabe, T. Harada, A. Seki, K. Ohno, T. Koeda, and N. Sadato
2012 Distinction between the literal and intended meanings of sentences: A functional magnetic resonance imaging study of metaphor and sarcasm. Cortex, 48: 563-583.
- Iidaka, T., T. Harada, and N. Sadato
2011 Forming a negative impression of another person correlates with activation in medial prefrontal cortex and amygdala. Social Cognitive & Affective Neuroscience 6(4): 516-525.
- Kambara, T., S. Yokoyama, K. Takahashi, N. Miura, T. Miyamoto, D. Takahashi, S. Sato, and R. Kawashima
2011 Lexical Categories and the Human Brain: An fMRI Study. Studies Lang Sci, 10: 187-199.
- Morita, T, H. Kosaka, D.N. Saito, M. Ishitobi, T. Munesue, S. Itakura, M. Omori, H. Okazawa, Y Wada, and N. Sadato
2011 Emotional responses associated with self-face processing in individuals with autism spectrum disorders: An fMRI study. Soc Neurosci, Sep 22 (Epub ahead of print)
- Sato, W., T. Kochiyama, S. Uono, K. Matsuda, K. Usui, Y. Inoue, and M. Toichi
2011 Temporal Profile of Amygdala Gamma Oscillations in Response to Faces. J Cogn Neurosci, Oct 7 (Epub ahead of print)
- Sato, W., T. Kochiyama, and S. Yoshikawa
2011 The inversion effect for neutral and emotional facial expressions on amygdala activity. Brain Res, 1378: 84-90.
- Sato, W., T. Kochiyama, S. Uono, K. Matsuda, K. Usui, Y. Inoue, and M. Toichi
2011 Rapid amygdala gamma oscillations in response to fearful facial expressions. Neuropsychologia, 49: 612-617.
- Sato, W., T. Kochiyama, S. Uono, K. Matsuda, K. Usui, Y. Inoue, and M. Toichi
2011 Rapid amygdala gamma oscillations in response to eye gaze. PLoS One, 6: e28188.
- Tanabe, H.C., T. Sakai, Y. Morito, , T. Kochiyama, and N. Sadato
2011 Neural Correlates and Effective Connectivity of Subjective Colors during the Benham's Top Illusion: A Functional MRI Study. Cereb Cortex 21(1): 124-133.
- Yusa, N., M. Koizumi, J. Kim, N. Kimura, S. Uchida, S. Yokoyama, N. Miura, R. Kawashima, and H. Hagiwara
2011 Second-language Instinct and Instruction Effects: Nature and Nurture in Second-language Acquisition. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 23(10): 2716-2730.
- 河内山隆紀
2011 「機能的磁気共鳴画像法による領域間結合分析」『神経心理学』27(1): 35-46.
- Aramaki, Y., R. Osu, and N. Sadato
2010 Resource-demanding versus cost-effective bimanual interaction in the brain. Exp Brain Res 203: 407-418.
- Bosch-Bayard, J., J. Riera-Diaz, R. Biscay-Lirio, K. F. Wong, A. Galka, O. Yamashita, N. Sadato, R. Kawashima, E. Aubert-Vazquez, R. Rodriguez-Rojas, P. Valdes-Sosa, F. Miwakeichi, and T. Ozaki
2010 Spatio-temporal correlations from fmri time series based on the NN-ARx model. J Integr Neurosci 9(4): 381-406.
- Chiao, J.Y., T. Harada, H. Komeda, Z. Li, Y. Mano, D. Saito, T.B. Parrish, N. Sadato, and T. Iidaka
2010 Dynamic cultural influences on neural representations of the self. J Cogn Neurosci 22(1): 1-11.
- Chiao, J.Y., A.R. Hariri, T. Harada, Y. Mano, N. Sadato, T.B. Parrish, and T. Iidaka
2010 Theory and methods in cultural neuroscience. Soc Cogn Affect Neurosci 5(2-3): 356-361.
- Iidaka, T., D.N. Saito, H. Komeda, Y. Mano, N. Kanayama, T. Osumi, N. Ozaki, and N. Sadato
2010 Transient neural activation in human amygdala involved in aversive conditioning of face and voice. J Cogn Neurosci 22(9): 2074-2085.
- Izuma, K., M. Matsumoto, K. Murayama, K. Samejima, N. Sadato, and K. Matsumoto
2010 Neural correlates of cognitive dissonance and choice-induced preference change. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 107(51): 22014-22019.
- Izuma, K., D.N. Saito, and N. Sadato
2010 Processing of the Incentive for Social Approval in the Ventral Striatum during Charitable Donation. J Cogn Neurosci, 22: 621-631.
- Izuma, K., D.N. Saito, and N. Sadato
2010 The roles of the medial prefrontal cortex and striatum in reputation processing. Soc Neurosci, 5: 133-147.
- Izuma, K., D.N. Saito, and N. Sadato
2010 Processing of the Incentive for Social Approval in the Ventral Striatum during Charitable Donation. J Cogn Neurosci 22(4): 621-631.
- Izuma, K., D.N. Saito, and N. Sadato
2010 The roles of the medial prefrontal cortex and striatum in reputation processing. Soc Neurosci 5(2): 133-147.
- Koeda, T., A. Seki, H. Uchiyama, and N. Sadato
2010 Dyslexia: Advances in clinical and imaging studies. Brain Dev 33(3):268-275.
- Kosaka, H., M. Omori, T. Munesue, M. Ishitobi, Y. Matsumura, T. Takahashi, K. Narita, T. Murata, D. N. Saito, H. Uchiyama, T. Morita, M. Kikuchi, K. Mizukami, H. Okazawa, N. Sadato,, and Y. Wada
2010 Smaller insula and inferior frontal volumes in young adults with pervasive developmental disorders. Neuroimage 50(4): 1357-1363.
- Miura, N., M. Sugiura, M. Takahashi, Y. Sassa, A. Miyamoto, S. Sato, K. Horie, K. Nakamura, and R. Kawashima
2010 Effect of motion smoothness on brain activity while observing a dance: an fMRI study using a humanoid robot. Social Neuroscience 5: 40-58.
- Oshio, R., S. Tanaka, N. Sadato, M. Sokabe, T. Hanakawa, , and M. Honda
2010 Differential effect of double-pulse TMS applied to dorsal premotor cortex and precuneus during internal operation of visuospatial information. Neuroimage 49(1): 1108-1115.
- Saito, D. N., H.C. Tanabe, K. Izuma, M. J. Hayashi, Y. Morito, H. Komeda, H. Uchiyama, H. Kosaka, H. Okazawa, Y. Fujibayashi, and N. Sadato
2010 "Stay tuned": inter-individual neural synchronization during mutual gaze and joint attention. Front Integr Neurosci 4: 127. Contributed equally to this work.
- Sugiura, M., Y. Mano, A. Sasaki, and N. Sadato
2010 Beyond the Memory Mechanism: Person-selective and Nonselective Processes in Recognition of Personally Familiar Faces. J Cogn Neurosci 23(3): 699-715.
- Yokoyama O, N. Miura, J. Watanabe, A. Takemoto, S. Uchida, M. Sugiura, K. Horie, S. Sato, R. Kawashima, and K. Nakamura
2010 Right frontopolar cortex activity correlates with reliability of retrospective rating of confidence in short-term recognition memory performance. Neurosci Res, 68: 199-206.
- Fujii, T., H. C. Tanabe, T. Kochiyama, and N. Sadato
2009 An investigation of cross-modal plasticity of effective connectivity in the blind by dynamic causal modeling of functional MRI data. Neurosci Res 65: 175-186.
- Hosseini, H., M. Rostami, M. Takahashi, N. Miura, M. Sugiura, and R. Kawashima
2009 Analyzing control-display movement compatibility: A neuroimaging study. Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence 5639: 187-196.
- Mano Y., T. Harada, M. Sugiura, D. N. Saito, and N. Sadato
2009 Perspective-taking as part of narrative comprehension: a functional MRI study. Neuropsychologia 47: 813-824.
- Miura, N., M. Sugiura, M. Takahashi, Y. Sassa, A. Miyamoto, S. Sato, K. Horie, K. Nakamura, and R. Kawashima
2009 Effect of motion smoothness on brain activity while observing a dance: an fMRI study using a humanoid robot. Social Neuroscience 5: 40-58.
- Mochizuki, H., K. Inui, H. C. Tanabe, L. F. Akiyama, N. Otsuru, K. Yamashiro, A. Sasaki, H. Nakata, N. Sadato, and R. Kakigi
2009 Time course of activity in itch-related brain regions: A combined MEG-fMRI study. J Neurophysiol 102: 2657-2666.
- Morito, Y., H. C. Tanabe, T. Kochiyama, and N. Sadato
?2009 Neural representation of animacy in the early visual areas: a functional MRI study. Brain Research Bullentin 79: 271-280.
- Tachibana, K., K. Suzuki, E. Mori, N. Miura, R. Kawashima, K. Horie, S. Sato, J. Tanji, and H. Muchiake
2009 Neural activity in the human brain signals logical rule identification. Journal of Neurophysiology 102: 1526-1537.
- Tanabe, H. C., and N. Sadato
2009 Ventrolateral prefrontal cortex associated with individual differences in arbitrary delayed paired-association learning performance: A functional magnetic resonance imaging study. Neuroscience 160: 688-697.
- 田邊宏樹
2009「機能分化と機能統合からシステムとして脳をとらえる―Dynamic Causal Modellingを中心に―」『日本基礎心理学研究』28: 72-78.
- 三浦直樹、高橋 信、川島隆太、北村正晴、若林利男
2009「機能的MRIを用いた計器監視課題時のインタフェースの差異と難易度との関連解析」『ヒューマン・インタフェース学会論文誌』11: 31-40.
- Hayashi, M. J., D. N. Saito, Y. Aramaki, T. Asai, Y. Fujibayashi, and N. Sadato
2008 Hemispheric asymmetry of frequency-dependent suppression in the ipsilateral primary motor cortex during finger movement: A functional magnetic resonance imaging study. Cereb Cortex 18: 2932-2940.
- Izuma, K., D. N. Saito, and N. Sadato
2008 Processing of social and moetary rewards in the human striatum. Neuron 58: 284-294.
- Maki, Y., K. F. Wong, M. Sugiura, T. Ozaki, and N. Sadato
2008 Asymmetric control mechanisms of bimanual coordination: an application of directed connectivity analysis to kinematic and functional MRI data. Neuroimage 42: 1295-1304.
- Miyawaki, Y., H. Uchida, O. Yamashita, M. A. Sato, Y. Morito, H. C. Tanabe, N. Sadato, and Y. Kamitani
2008 Visual image reconstruction from human brain activity using a combination of multiscale local image decoders. Neuron 60: 915-929.
- Mizuno, K., M. Tanaka, A. Ishii, H. C. Tanabe, H. Onoe, N. Sadato, and Y. Watanabe
2008 The neural basis of academic achievement motivation. Neuroimage 42: 369-378.
- Morita, T., S. Itakura, D. N. Saito, S. Nakashita, T. Harada, T. Kochiyama, and N. Sadato
2008 The Role of the Right Prefrontal Cortex in Self-evaluation of the Face: A Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging Study. J Cogn Neurosci 20: 342-355.
- Murase, M., D. N. Saito, T. Kochiyama, H. C. Tanabe, S. Tanaka, T. Harada, Y. Aramaki, M. Honda, and N. Sadato
2008 Cross-modal integration during vowel identification in audiovisual speech: a functional magnetic resonance imaging study. Neurosci Lett 434: 71-76.
- Nakamaru, T., N. Miura, A. Fukushima, and R. Kawashima
2008 Somatotopical relationships between cortical activity and reflex areas in reflexology: a functional magnetic resonance imaging study. Neuroscience Letters 448: 6-9.
- Nakashita, S., D. N. Saito, T. Kochiyama, M. Honda, H. C. Tanabe, and N. Sadato
2008 Tactile-visual integration in the posterior parietal cortex: a functional magnetic resonance imaging study. Brain Research Bullentin 75: 513-525.
- Toyoda, H., K. Kashikura, T. Okada, S. Nakashita, M. Honda, Y. Yonekura, H. Kawaguchi, A. Maki, and N. Sadato
2008 Source of nonlinearity of the BOLD response revealed by simultaneous fMRI and NIRS. Neuroimage 39: 997-1013.
- 豊田浩士、定藤規弘、赤澤 威
2008「ネアンデルタールと現代人の頭蓋内鋳型の形状比較」『高知工科大学紀要』5(1): 25-33.
- Hagura, N., T. Takei, S. Hirose, Y. Aramaki, M. Matsumura, N. Sadato, and E. Naito
2007 Activity in the posterior parietal cortex mediates visual dominance over kinesthesia. J Neurosci 27: 7047-7053.
- Naito, E., T. Nakashima, T. Kito, Y. Aramaki, T. Okada, and N. Sadato
2007 Human limb-specific and non-limb-specific brain representations during kinesthetic illusory movements of the upper and lower extremities. Eur J Neurosci 25: 3476-3487.
- Noguchi, Y., H. C. Tanabe, N. Sadato, M. Hoshiyama, and R. Kakigi
2007 Voluntary attention changes the speed of perceptual neural processing. Eur J Neurosci 25: 3163-3172.
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