
- Hideaki Terashima, Professor, Anthropology, Faculty of Sciences and Humanities, Kobe Gakuin University
- Tadashi Koyama, Professor,
Developmental Psychology, Faculty of Sciences and Humanities, Kobe Gakuin University
- Sachiko Kubota, Professor,
Cultural Anthropology, Graduate School of Intercultural Studies, Kobe University
- Kaoru Imamura, Professor,
Cultural Anthropology, Faculty of Economics, Nagoya Gakuin University
- Keiichi Ohmura, Associate Professor,
Cultural Anthropology, Graduate School of Language and Culture, Osaka University
- Nobutaka Kamei, Associate Professor,
Cultural Anthropology, Faculty of Foreign Studies, Aichi Prefectural University
- Eiko Yamagami, Associate Professor,
Clinical Psychology, Faculty of Sciences and Humanities, Kobe Gakuin University
- Juko Ando, Professor,
Educational Psychology, Department of Humanities and Social Science, Faculty of Letters, Keio University
- Mitsuo Ichikawa, Emeritus Professor,
Ecological Anthropology, Kyoto University
- Akira Takada, Associate Professor,
Ecological Anthropology, Graduate School of Asian and African Area Studies, Kyoto University
- Hitoshige Hayaki, Professor,
Primatology, Faculty of Sciences and Humanities, Kobe Gakuin University
- Koji Hayashi, Project Research Fellow,
Ecological Anthropology, The Center for African Area Studies, Kyoto University
- Koji Sonoda, Postdoctoral Fellow,
Ecological Anthropology, Graduate School of Asian and African Area Studies, Kyoto University
- Yujie Peng, Postdoctoral Fellow,
Ecological Anthropology, Graduate School of Asian and African Area Studies, Kyoto University
- Barry S. Hewlett, Professor,
Anthropology, Department of Anthropology, Washington State University, Vancouver, USA
- Bonnie L. Hewlett, Visiting Professor,
Anthropology, Department of Anthropology, Washington State University, Vancouver, USA
- Yasmine Musharbash, Associate Professor,
Anthropology, School of Social and Political Sciences, University of Sydney, Australia
Invited Researcher
- Taro Yamauchi, Professor,
Graduate School of Health Sciences, Hokkaido University
1. 以狩猎采集社会中的游戏集团为中心,观察儿童的各种活动,解析以下方面。
(1) 各狩猎采集民中儿童游戏集团的真实情况
(2) 技术、技能、知识等的学习过程
(3) 创造性的出现以及普及的情况
(4) 教授行为和学习行为的关系
2. 通过发展心理学方法对狩猎采集社会以及现代社会的儿童进行比较研究,解析以下方面。
(1) 狩猎采集民(包括创造性等)学习的心理学特征
(2) 发展过程和学习特征间的关系
(3) 狩猎采集环境对学习行为、认知能力发展所产生的影响
3. 对生活在多样的自然和社会环境中的狩猎采集民进行文献比较研究,解析以下方面。
(1) 随着环境差异或变动,生活与学习行为的变化
(2) 儿童游戏以及游戏伙伴的变化
(3) 环境变化与创造性的出现之间的关系
4. 与灵长类学及认知科学等进行跨学科理论研究,解析以下方面。
(1) 关于从人类以前的灵长类到现代人的学习能力进化的理论性展望
(2) 古人和新人学习能力差异的论述基础