
- Aoki, K.
2015 Modeling abrupt cultural regime shifts during the Palaeolithic and Stone Age. Theoretical Population Biology 100: 6-12.
- Horiuchi, S. and M. Morino
2015 How local cultures contribute to local communities? Case studies of Japanese spirits dance "kagura". International Journal of Social Science and Humanity 5: 58-62.
- Kimura, R., C. Watanabe, A. Kawaguchi, Y.I. Kim, S.B. Park, K. Maki, H. Ishida, and T. Yamaguchi
(in press)Common polymorphisms in WNT10A affect tooth morphology as well as hair shape. Human Molecular Genetics.
- Scotti, T., M. Mimura, and J.Y. Wakano
2015 Avoiding toxic prey may promote harmful algal blooms. Ecological Complexity, in press.
- Tamura, K., Y. Kobayashi, and Y. Ihara
(in press) Evolution of individual versus social learning on social networks. Journal of the Royal Society Interface.
- Aoki, K. and M.W. Feldman
2014 Evolution of learning strategies in temporally and spatially variable environments: A review of theory. Theoretical Population Biology 91: 3-19.
- Kobayashi, Y. and H. Ohtsuki
2014 Evolution of social versus individual learning in a subdivided population revisited: Comparative analysis of three coexistence mechanisms using the inclusive fitness method. Theoretical Population Biology 92: 78-87.
- Mirrahimi, S., B. Perthame, and J. Y. Wakano
2014 Direct competition results from strong competition for limited resource. Journal of Mathematical Biology 68: 931-949.
- Miyazato, E., K. Yamaguchi, H. Fukase, H. Ishida, and R. Kimura
2014 Comparative analysis of facial morphology between Okinawa Islanders and mainland Japanese using three-dimensional images. American Journal of Human Biology 26(4): 538-548.
- Nakahashi, W. and M.W. Feldman
2014. Evolution of division of labor: emergence of different activities among group members. Journal of Theoretical Biology 348: 65-79.
- Nakamaru, M., T. Takada, A. Ohtsuki, S.U. Suzuki, K. Miura, and K. Tsuji
2014 Ecological conditions favoring budding in colonial organisms under environmental disturbance. PLoS One 9(3): e91210.
- Sato, T., S. Nakagome, C. Watanabe, K. Yamaguchi, A. Kawaguchi, K. Koganebuchi, K. Haneji, T. Yamaguchi, T. Hanihara, K. Yamamoto, H. Ishida, S. Mano, R. Kimura, and H. Oota
2014 Genome-wide SNP analysis reveals population structure and demographic history of the Ryukyu Islanders in the southern part of the Japanese Archipelago. Molecular Biology and Evolution 31: 2929-2940. doi: 10.1093/molbev/msu230.
- Sekiguchi, T. and M. Nakamaru
2014 How intergenerational interaction affects attitude-behavior inconsistency. Journal of Theoretical Biology 346: 54-66.
- Takezawa, Y., K. Kato, H. Oota, T. Caulfield, A. Fujimoto, S. Honda, N. Kamatani, S. Kawamura, K. Kawashima, R. Kimura, H. Matsumae, A. Saito, P. E. Savage, N. Seguchi, K. Shimizu, S. Terao, Y. Yamaguchi-Kabata, A. Yasukouchi, M. Yoneda, and K. Tokunaga
2014 Human genetic research, race, ethnicity and the labeling of populations: recommendations based on an interdisciplinary workshop in Japan. BMC Medical Ethics 15: 33.
- Wakano, J. Y. and L. Lehmann
2014 Evolutionary branching in deme-structured populations. Journal of Theoretical Biology 351: 83-95.
- Wakano, J.Y. and C. Miura
2014 Trade-off between learning and exploitation: The Pareto-optimal versus evolutionarily stable learning schedule in cumulative cultural evolution. Theoretical Population Biology 91: 37-43.
- Yamaguchi, T., A. Kawaguchi, Y.I. Kim, S. Naga, K. Katayama, H. Ishida, S.B. Park, K. Maki, and R. Kimura
2014 The role of polymorphisms associated with early tooth eruption in dental and occlusal traits in East Asian populations. Korean Journal of Orthodontics 44: 96-102.
- Yamaguchi, T., H. Nakaoka, K. Yamamoto, T. Fujikawa, Y.I. Kim, K. Yano, S. Haga, K. Katayama, T. Shibusawa, S. Park, K. Maki, R. Kimura, and I. Inoue
2014 Genome-wide association study of degenerative bony changes of the temporomandibular joint. Oral Diseases 20: 409-415.
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2014 「集団ゲノム学の方法論① -集団史を推定する-」『医学のあゆみ』249: 207-210.
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2014 「集団ゲノム学の方法論① -遺伝適応の痕跡を探索する-」『医学のあゆみ』249: 279-282.
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2014 「外部者の導入による過少利用資源の持続的管理:ロジスティック方程式の拡張」『理論と方法』29: 277-290.
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2014 「FORUM ゲノム人類学の最先端(vol. 9)遺伝子からみる皮膚色の進化」『医学のあゆみ』249(8): 716-719.
- Kudaka, M., H. Fukase, R. Kimura, T. Hanihara, H. Matsumura, A. Saso, T. Fukumine, and H. Ishida
2013 Metric characteristics of human limb bones in Asian and Japanese populations. Anthropological Science 121: 49-62.
- Lehmann, L. and J.Y. Wakano
2013 The handaxe and the microscope: individual and social learning in a multidimensional model of adaptation. Evolution and Human Behavior 34: 109-117.
- Lehmann, L., J.Y. Wakano, and K. Aoki
2013 On optimal learning schedules and the marginal value of cumulative cultural evolution. Evolution 67: 1435-1445.
- Nakahashi, W.
2013 Evolution of improvement and cumulative culture. Theoretical Population Biology 83: 30-38.
- Tamura, T., M. Osawa, R. Kimura, Y. Inaoka, S. Tanaka, F. Satoh and I. Sato
2013 Evaluation of the allele-sharing approach, known as the IBS method, in kinship analysis. Journal of Forensic and Legal Medicine 20: 112-116.
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2013 「ゲノム研究で切り開かれる人類学の新たな挑戦」『生物の科学 遺伝』67: 327-333.
- Aoki, K., J.Y. Wakano, and L. Lehmann
2012 Evolutionarily stable learning strategies and cumulative culture in discrete generation models. Theoretical Population Biology. 81: 300-309.
- Horiuchi, S.
2012 Emergence and persistence of communities: analysis by means of a revised hawk-dove game. 理論と方法 27: 299-306.
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2012 Community creation by residents and tourists via Takachiho kagura in Japanese rural area. Sociology Mind 2: 306-312.
- Horiuchi, S. and H. Takasaki
2012 Boundary nature induces greater group size and group density in habitat edges: an agent-based model revealed. Population Ecology 54: 197-203.
- Japanese Archipelago Human Population Genetics Consortium: Jinam, T., N. Nishida, M. Hirai, S. Kawamura, H. Oota, K. Umetsu, R. Kimura, J. Ohashi, A. Tajima, T. Yamamoto, H. Tanabe, S. Mano, Y. Suto, T. Kaname, K. Naritomi, K. Yanagi, N. Niikawa, K. Omoto, K. Tokunaga, and N. Saitou
2012 The history of human populations in the Japanese Archipelago inferred from genomewide SNP data with a special reference to the Ainu and the Ryukyuan populations. Journal of Human Genetics 57: 787-795.
- Kawasaki, K., K. Asano, and N. Shigesada
2012 Impact of directed movement on invasive spread in periodic patchy environments. Bulletin of Mathematical Biology 74(6): 1448-1467.
- Kobayashi, Y. and K. Aokii
2012 Innovativeness, population size and cumulative cultural evolution. Theoretical Population Biology 82: 38-47.
- Kobayashi, Y. and J.Y. Wakanoi
2012 Evolution of social versus individual learning in an infinite island model. Evolution 66: 1624-1635.
- Naka, I., J. Ohashi, R. Kimura, T. Furusawa, T. Yamauchi, M. Nakazawa, K. Natsuhara, Y. Ataka, N. Nishida, T. Ishida, T. Inaoka, Y. Matsumura, and R. Ohtsukai
2012 DRD4 VNTR polymorphism in Oceanic populations. Anthropological Science 120: 151-155.
- Nakahashi, W. and S. Horiuchi
2012 Evolution of ape and human mating systems. Journal of Theoretical Biology 296: 56-64.
- Nakahashi, W., J.Y. Wakano, and J. Henrich
2012. Adaptive social learning strategies in temporally and spatially varying environments. Human Nature 23: 386-418.
- Wakano, J.Y.
2012 Spatiotemporal dynamics of cooperation and spite behavior by conformist transmission. Communications on Pure and Applied Analysis 11:375-386.
- Yamaguchi, K., C. Watanabe, A. Kawaguchi, T. Sato, I. Naka, M. Shindo, K. Moromizato, K. Aoki, H. Ishida, and R. Kimura
2012 Association of melanocortin 1 receptor gene (MC1R) polymorphisms with skin reflectance and freckles in Japanese. Journal of Human Genetics 57: 700-708.
- Aoki, K., L. Lehmann, and M.W. Feldman
2011 Rates of cultural change and patterns of cultural accumulation in stochastic models of social transmission. Theoretical Population Biology 79: 192-202.
- Lehmann, L., K. Aoki, and M.W. Feldman
2011 On the number of independent cultural traits carried by individuals and populations. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B 366: 424-435.
- Shimada, M.K., and T. Kanasashi
2011 Determination of linkage disequilibrium region suggests association of the ancient haplotype, hX with neural function. Nature Precedings 10101/npre.2011.6737.1.
- Wakano, J.Y., K. Ikeda, T. Miki, and M. Mimura
2011 Effective dispersal rate is a function of habitat size and corridor shape: mechanistic formulation of a two-patch compartment model for spatially continuous systems. Oikos 120: 1712-1720.
- Wakano, J.Y., K. Kawasaki, N. Shigesada, and K. Aoki
2011 Coexistence of individual and social learners during range-expansion. Theoretical Population Biology 80:132-140.
- 堀内史朗
2011 「コミュニティ形成に資する仲介者の性質:エージェント・ベース・モデルによる分析」『理論と方法』26: 51-66.
- Aoki, K.
2010 Evolution of the social-learner-explorer strategy in an environmentally heterogeneous two-island model. Evolution 64: 2575-2586.
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2010 The Q223R polymorphism in LEPR is associated with obesity in Pacific Islanders. Human Genetics 127: 287-294.
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2010 Evolution of learning capacities and learning levels. Theoretical Population Biology 78: 211-224.
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2010 A comprehensive survey of human polymorphisms at conserved splice dinucleotides and its evolutionary relationship with alternative splicing. BMC Evolutionary Biology 10: 122.
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2010 The evolution of phenotypic traits in a predator-prey system subject to the Allee effect. Journal of Theoretical Biology 262: 528-543.
- Fujimoto, A., N. Nishida, R. Kimura, T. Miyagawa 他10名
2009 FGFR2 is associated with hair thickness in Asian populations. Journal of Human Genetics 54: 461-465.
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2009 A common variation in EDAR is a genetic determinant of shovel-shaped incisors. American Journal of Human Genetics 85: 528-535.
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2009 VarySysDB: a human genetic polymorphism database based on all H-InvDB transcripts. Nucleic Acids Research 37: D810-D815.
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2009 Spatial dynamics of ecological public goods. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 104: 7910-7914.
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2009 Spreading speeds for a partially cooperative 2-species reaction-diffusion model. Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems 23: 1087-1098.
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2008 Evolution of learning in subdivided populations that occupy environmentally heterogeneous sites. Theoretical Population Biology 74: 356-368.
- Borenstein, E., M.W. Feldman, and K. Aoki
2008 Evolution of learning in fluctuating environments: when selection favors both social and exploratory individual learning. Evolution 62: 586-602.
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2008 A scan for genetic determinants of human hair morphology: EDAR is associated with Asian hair thickness. Human Molecular Genetics 17: 835-843.
- Hauert, C., J.Y. Wakano, and M. Doebeli
2008 Ecological public goods games: cooperation and bifurcation. Theoretical Population Biology 73: 257-263.
- Kimura, R., J. Ohashi, Y. Matsumura, M. Nakazawa 他4名
2008 Gene flow and natural selection in oceanic human populations, inferred from genome-wide SNP typing. Molecular Biology and Evolution 25: 1750-1761.
- Miyagawa, T., N. Nishida, J. Ohashi, R. Kimura 他12名
2008 Appropriate data cleaning methods for genome-wide association study. Journal of Human Genetics 53: 886-893.
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2008 Significant association between TIM1 promoter polymorphisms and protection against cerebral malaria in Thailand. Annals of Human Genetics 72: 327-336.
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2008 A functional SNP in the CR1 promoter region contributes to protection against cerebral malaria. Journal of Infectious Diseases 198: 1880-1891.
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2008 Evolution of polyphenism: the role of density and relative body size on morph determination. Evolutionary Ecology Research 10: 1157-1172.
- Weinberger, H.F., K. Kawasaki, and N. Shigesada
2008 Spreading speeds of spatially periodic integro-difference models for populations with non-monotone recruitment functions. Journal of Mathematical Biology 57: 387-411.
- Yamaguchi-Kabata Y., M.K. Shimada, Y. Hayakawa, S. Minoshima, R. Chakraborty, T. Gojobori, and T. Imanishi
2008 Distribution and effects of nonsense polymorphisms in human genes. Plos One 3: e3393.
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2007 An integrodifference model for biological invasions in a periodically fragmented environment. Japan Journal of Industrial and Applied Mathematics 24: 3-15.
- Kimura, R., A. Fujimoto, K. Tokunaga, and J. Ohashi
2007 A practical genome scan for population-specific strong selective sweeps that have reached fixation. PLoS One 2: e286.
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2007 The evolution of conformist transmission in social learning when the environment changes periodically. Theoretical Population Biology 72: 52-66.
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2007 FTO polymorphisms in Oceanic populations. Journal of Human Genetics 52: 1031-1035.
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2007 A theoretical study on the evolution of male parental care and female multiple mating: effects of female mate choice and male care bias. Journal of Theoretical Biology 247: 281-286.
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2007 Divergent Haplotypes and Human History as Revealed in a Worldwide Survey of X-Linked DNA Sequence Variation. Molecular Biology and Evolution 24: 687-698.
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2007 Evolution of cooperation in spatial public goods games with common resource dynamics. Journal of Theoretical Biology 247: 616-622.
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2007 Do social learning and conformist transmission coevolve? Henrich and Boyd revisited. Theoretical Population Biology 72: 504-512.
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2007 「人類進化における論争:模倣の意義と起源」『遺伝』20: 23-29.
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2006 How does stochasticity in colonization accelerate the speed of invasion in a cellular automaton model? Ecological Research 21: 334-345.
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2006 Cultural coevolution of norm adoption and enforcement when punishers are rewarded or non-punishers are punished. Theoretical Population Biology 70: 10-25.
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2006 Spatial dynamics of invasion in sinusoidally varying environments. Population Ecology 48: 263-270.
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2006 Coexistence of five G6PD variants indicates ethnic complexity of Phuket islanders, Southern Thailand. Journal of Human Genetics 51: 424-428.
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2006 HLA-DRB1 polymorphism on Ha'ano Island of the Kingdom of Tonga. Anthropological Science 114: 193-198.
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2006 Polymorphism in the ABO blood group gene in three populations in the New Georgia group of the Solomon Islands. Journal f Human Genetics 51: 407-411.
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2006 A mathematical analysis on public goods games in the continuous space. Mathematical Bioscience 201: 72-89.
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2005 Avoidance and prohibition of brother-sister sex in humans. Population Ecology 47: 13-19.
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