
- Kawamichi, H., R. Kitada, K. Yoshihara, H. Takahashi, and N. Sadato
2015 Interpersonal touch suppresses visual processing of aversive stimuli. Front Hum Neurosci, 9: 164.
- Kawamichi, H., K. Yoshihara, A.T. Sasaki, S.K. Sugawara, H.C. Tanabe, R. Shinohara, Y. Sugisawa, K. Tokutake, Y. Mochizuki, T. Anme, and, N. Sadato
2015 Perceiving active listening activates the reward system and improves the impression of relevant experiences. Soc Neurosci, 10: 16-26.
- Koike, T., H.C. Tanabe, and N. Sadato
2015 Hyperscanning neuroimaging technique to reveal the "two-in-one" system in social interactions. Neurosci Res, 90: 25-32.
- Matsuyoshi, D., T. Morita, T. Kochiyama, H.C. Tanabe, N. Sadato, and R. Kakigi
2015 Dissociable cortical pathways for qualitative and quantitative mechanisms in the face inversion effect. J Neurosci, 35(10): 4268-4279.
- Ogihara, N., H. Amano, T. Kikuchi, Y. Morita, K. Hasegawa, T. Kochiyama, and H.C. Tanabe
2015 Towards digital reconstruction of fossil crania and brain morphology. Anthropol Sci, 123(1): 57-68.
- Sato, W., Y. Kubota, T. Kochiyama, S. Uono, S. Yoshimura, R. Sawada, M. Sakihama, and M. Toichi
2015 Increased putamen volume in adults with autism spectrum disorder. Front Hum Neurosci, 8: 1.
- Nakajima, K., T. Minami, H.C. Tanabe, N. Sadato, and S. Nakauchi
2014 Facial color processing in the face-selective regions: An fMRI study. Hum Brain Mapp, 35(9): 4958-4964.
- Okamoto, Y., R. Kitada, H.C. Tanabe, M.J. Hayashi, T. Kochiyama, T. Munesue, M. Ishitobi, D.N. Saito, H.T. Yanaka, M. Omori, Y. Wada, H. Okazawa, A.T. Sasaki, T. Morita, S. Itakura, H. Kosaka, and N. Sadato
2014 Attenuation of the contingency detection effect in the extrastriate body area in autism spectrum disorder. Neurosci Res, 87: 66-76.
- Sato, W., T. Kochiyama, S. Uono, K. Matsuda, K. Usui, Y. Inoue, and M. Toichi
2014 Rapid, high-frequency, and theta-coupled gamma oscillations in the inferior occipital gyrus during face processing. Cortex, 60: 52-68. eaqually contributed.
- Taminato, T., N. Miura, M. Sugiura, and R. Kawashima
2014 Neuronal sbstragtes characterizing two stages in visual object recognition. Neurosci Res, 89: 61-68.
- 定藤規弘
2014 「「私たち」の脳科学に向けて:2個人同時計測MRI研究」『臨床神経科学』32(7): 797-799.
- 定藤規弘
2014 「機能的MRIによる社会能力発達における神経基盤の解明」『脳神経外科ジャーナル』 23(4): 318-324.
- Iida, S., H.C. Tanabe, T. Nakao, and H. Ohira
2013 Modulation of emotion by cognitive activity. Psychol Topics, 2, 205-219.
- Kawamichi, H, A.T. Sasaki, M. Matsunaga, K. Yoshihara, H.K. Takahashi, H.C. Tanabe, and N. Sadato
2013 Medial prefrontal cortex activation is commonly invoked by reputation of self and romantic partners. PLoS One, 8(9): e74958.
- Kitada, R., Y. Okamoto, A.T. Sasaki, T. Kochiyama, M. Miyahara, S.J. Lederman, and N. Sadato
2013 Early visual experience and the recognition of basic facial expressions: involvement of the middle temporal and inferior frontal gyri during haptic identification by the early blind. Front Hum Neurosci, 7: 7.
- Makita, K., M. Yamazaki, H.C. Tanabe, T. Koike, T. Kochiyama, H. Yokokawa, H. Yoshida, and N. Sadato
2013 A functional magnetic resonance imaging study of foreign-language vocabulary learning enhanced by phonological rehearsal: the role of the right cerebellum and left fusiform gyrus. Mind Brain Education, 7(4): 213-224.
- Miyahara, M., R. Kitada, A. Sasaki, Y. Okamoto, H.C. Tanabe, and N. Sadato
2013 From gestures to words: Spontaneous verbal labeling of complex sequential hand movements reduces fMRI activation of the imitation-related regions. Neurosci Res, 75: 228-238.
- Miyahara, M., T. Harada, T. Ruffman, N. Sadato, and T. Iidaka
2013 Functional connectivity between amygdala and facial regions involved in recognition of facial threat. Soc Cogn Affect Neurosci, 8 (Epub ahead of print).
- Morita, T., H.C. Tanabe, A.T. Sasaki, K. Shimada, R. Kakigi, and N. Sadato
2013 The anterior insular and anterior cingulate cortices in emotional processing for self-face recognition. Soc Cogn Affect Neurosci, nst011 (e-pub ahead of print).
- Sato, W., T. Kochiyama, S. Uono, K. Matsuda, K. Usui, Y. Inoue, and M. Toichi
2013 Rapid and multiple-stage activation of the human amygdala for processing facial signals. Commun Integr Biol, 6: e24562.
- Yoshida, Y., H.C. Tanabe, M.J. Hayashi, H. Kawamichi, T. Kochiyama, and N. Sadato
2013 The neural substrates of the warning effect: A functional magnetic resonance imaging study. Neurosci Res, 76: 230-239.
- Kawamichi, H., H.C. Tanabe, H. Takahashi, and N. Sadato
2012 Activation of the reward system during sympathetic concern is mediated by two types of empathy in a familiarity-dependent manner. Soc Neurosci, 8: 90-100.
- Mizuno, K., Tanaka M, H.C. Tanabe, N. Sadato, and Y. Watanabe
2012 The neural substrates associated with attentional resources and difficulty of concurrent processing of the two verbal tasks. Neuropsychologia, 50: 1998-2009.
- Sasaki, A.T., T. Kochiyama, M. Sugiura, H.C. Tanabe, and N. Sadato
2012 Neural networks for action representation: a functional magnetic-resonance imaging and dynamic causal modeling study. Front Hum Neurosci, 6, Article 236: 1-17.
- Sato, W., M. Toichi, S. Uono, and T. Kochiyama
2012 Impaired social brain network for processing dynamic facial expressions in autism spectrum disorders. BMC Neurosci, 13: 99.
- Sugawara, S.K., S. Tanaka, S. Okazaki, K. Watanabe, and N. Sadato
2012 social rewards enhance offline improvements in motor skills. PLoS One, 7: e48174.
- Tanabe, H.C., H. Kosaka, D.N. Saito, T. Koike, M.J. Hayashi, K. Izuma, H. Komeda, M. Ishitobi, M. Omori, T. Munesue, H. Okazawa, Y. Wada, and N. Sadato
2012 Hard to “tune in”: neural mechanisms of live face-to-face interaction with high-functioning autistic spectrum disorder. Front Hum Neurosci, 6, Article 268: 1-15. eaqually contributed.
- Uchiyama, H., D.N. Saito, H.C. Tanabe, T. Harada, A. Seki, K. Ohno, T. Koeda, and N. Sadato
2012 Distinction between the literal and intended meanings of sentences: A functional magnetic resonance imaging study of metaphor and sarcasm. Cortex, 48: 563-583.
- Iidaka, T., T. Harada, and N. Sadato
2011 Forming a negative impression of another person correlates with activation in medial prefrontal cortex and amygdala. Social Cognitive & Affective Neuroscience 6(4): 516-525.
- Kambara, T., S. Yokoyama, K. Takahashi, N. Miura, T. Miyamoto, D. Takahashi, S. Sato, and R. Kawashima
2011 Lexical Categories and the Human Brain: An fMRI Study. Studies Lang Sci, 10: 187-199.
- Morita, T, H. Kosaka, D.N. Saito, M. Ishitobi, T. Munesue, S. Itakura, M. Omori, H. Okazawa, Y Wada, and N. Sadato
2011 Emotional responses associated with self-face processing in individuals with autism spectrum disorders: An fMRI study. Soc Neurosci, Sep 22 (Epub ahead of print)
- Sato, W., T. Kochiyama, S. Uono, K. Matsuda, K. Usui, Y. Inoue, and M. Toichi
2011 Temporal Profile of Amygdala Gamma Oscillations in Response to Faces. J Cogn Neurosci, Oct 7 (Epub ahead of print)
- Sato, W., T. Kochiyama, and S. Yoshikawa
2011 The inversion effect for neutral and emotional facial expressions on amygdala activity. Brain Res, 1378: 84-90.
- Sato, W., T. Kochiyama, S. Uono, K. Matsuda, K. Usui, Y. Inoue, and M. Toichi
2011 Rapid amygdala gamma oscillations in response to fearful facial expressions. Neuropsychologia, 49: 612-617.
- Sato, W., T. Kochiyama, S. Uono, K. Matsuda, K. Usui, Y. Inoue, and M. Toichi
2011 Rapid amygdala gamma oscillations in response to eye gaze. PLoS One, 6: e28188.
- Tanabe, H.C., T. Sakai, Y. Morito, , T. Kochiyama, and N. Sadato
2011 Neural Correlates and Effective Connectivity of Subjective Colors during the Benham's Top Illusion: A Functional MRI Study. Cereb Cortex 21(1): 124-133.
- Yusa, N., M. Koizumi, J. Kim, N. Kimura, S. Uchida, S. Yokoyama, N. Miura, R. Kawashima, and H. Hagiwara
2011 Second-language Instinct and Instruction Effects: Nature and Nurture in Second-language Acquisition. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 23(10): 2716-2730.
- 河内山隆紀
2011 「機能的磁気共鳴画像法による領域間結合分析」『神経心理学』27(1): 35-46.
- Aramaki, Y., R. Osu, and N. Sadato
2010 Resource-demanding versus cost-effective bimanual interaction in the brain. Exp Brain Res 203: 407-418.
- Bosch-Bayard, J., J. Riera-Diaz, R. Biscay-Lirio, K. F. Wong, A. Galka, O. Yamashita, N. Sadato, R. Kawashima, E. Aubert-Vazquez, R. Rodriguez-Rojas, P. Valdes-Sosa, F. Miwakeichi, and T. Ozaki
2010 Spatio-temporal correlations from fmri time series based on the NN-ARx model. J Integr Neurosci 9(4): 381-406.
- Chiao, J.Y., T. Harada, H. Komeda, Z. Li, Y. Mano, D. Saito, T.B. Parrish, N. Sadato, and T. Iidaka
2010 Dynamic cultural influences on neural representations of the self. J Cogn Neurosci 22(1): 1-11.
- Chiao, J.Y., A.R. Hariri, T. Harada, Y. Mano, N. Sadato, T.B. Parrish, and T. Iidaka
2010 Theory and methods in cultural neuroscience. Soc Cogn Affect Neurosci 5(2-3): 356-361.
- Iidaka, T., D.N. Saito, H. Komeda, Y. Mano, N. Kanayama, T. Osumi, N. Ozaki, and N. Sadato
2010 Transient neural activation in human amygdala involved in aversive conditioning of face and voice. J Cogn Neurosci 22(9): 2074-2085.
- Izuma, K., M. Matsumoto, K. Murayama, K. Samejima, N. Sadato, and K. Matsumoto
2010 Neural correlates of cognitive dissonance and choice-induced preference change. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 107(51): 22014-22019.
- Izuma, K., D.N. Saito, and N. Sadato
2010 Processing of the Incentive for Social Approval in the Ventral Striatum during Charitable Donation. J Cogn Neurosci, 22: 621-631.
- Izuma, K., D.N. Saito, and N. Sadato
2010 The roles of the medial prefrontal cortex and striatum in reputation processing. Soc Neurosci, 5: 133-147.
- Izuma, K., D.N. Saito, and N. Sadato
2010 Processing of the Incentive for Social Approval in the Ventral Striatum during Charitable Donation. J Cogn Neurosci 22(4): 621-631.
- Izuma, K., D.N. Saito, and N. Sadato
2010 The roles of the medial prefrontal cortex and striatum in reputation processing. Soc Neurosci 5(2): 133-147.
- Koeda, T., A. Seki, H. Uchiyama, and N. Sadato
2010 Dyslexia: Advances in clinical and imaging studies. Brain Dev 33(3):268-275.
- Kosaka, H., M. Omori, T. Munesue, M. Ishitobi, Y. Matsumura, T. Takahashi, K. Narita, T. Murata, D. N. Saito, H. Uchiyama, T. Morita, M. Kikuchi, K. Mizukami, H. Okazawa, N. Sadato,, and Y. Wada
2010 Smaller insula and inferior frontal volumes in young adults with pervasive developmental disorders. Neuroimage 50(4): 1357-1363.
- Miura, N., M. Sugiura, M. Takahashi, Y. Sassa, A. Miyamoto, S. Sato, K. Horie, K. Nakamura, and R. Kawashima
2010 Effect of motion smoothness on brain activity while observing a dance: an fMRI study using a humanoid robot. Social Neuroscience 5: 40-58.
- Oshio, R., S. Tanaka, N. Sadato, M. Sokabe, T. Hanakawa, , and M. Honda
2010 Differential effect of double-pulse TMS applied to dorsal premotor cortex and precuneus during internal operation of visuospatial information. Neuroimage 49(1): 1108-1115.
- Saito, D. N., H.C. Tanabe, K. Izuma, M. J. Hayashi, Y. Morito, H. Komeda, H. Uchiyama, H. Kosaka, H. Okazawa, Y. Fujibayashi, and N. Sadato
2010 "Stay tuned": inter-individual neural synchronization during mutual gaze and joint attention. Front Integr Neurosci 4: 127. Contributed equally to this work.
- Sugiura, M., Y. Mano, A. Sasaki, and N. Sadato
2010 Beyond the Memory Mechanism: Person-selective and Nonselective Processes in Recognition of Personally Familiar Faces. J Cogn Neurosci 23(3): 699-715.
- Yokoyama O, N. Miura, J. Watanabe, A. Takemoto, S. Uchida, M. Sugiura, K. Horie, S. Sato, R. Kawashima, and K. Nakamura
2010 Right frontopolar cortex activity correlates with reliability of retrospective rating of confidence in short-term recognition memory performance. Neurosci Res, 68: 199-206.
- Fujii, T., H. C. Tanabe, T. Kochiyama, and N. Sadato
2009 An investigation of cross-modal plasticity of effective connectivity in the blind by dynamic causal modeling of functional MRI data. Neurosci Res 65: 175-186.
- Hosseini, H., M. Rostami, M. Takahashi, N. Miura, M. Sugiura, and R. Kawashima
2009 Analyzing control-display movement compatibility: A neuroimaging study. Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence 5639: 187-196.
- Mano Y., T. Harada, M. Sugiura, D. N. Saito, and N. Sadato
2009 Perspective-taking as part of narrative comprehension: a functional MRI study. Neuropsychologia 47: 813-824.
- Miura, N., M. Sugiura, M. Takahashi, Y. Sassa, A. Miyamoto, S. Sato, K. Horie, K. Nakamura, and R. Kawashima
2009 Effect of motion smoothness on brain activity while observing a dance: an fMRI study using a humanoid robot. Social Neuroscience 5: 40-58.
- Mochizuki, H., K. Inui, H. C. Tanabe, L. F. Akiyama, N. Otsuru, K. Yamashiro, A. Sasaki, H. Nakata, N. Sadato, and R. Kakigi
2009 Time course of activity in itch-related brain regions: A combined MEG-fMRI study. J Neurophysiol 102: 2657-2666.
- Morito, Y., H. C. Tanabe, T. Kochiyama, and N. Sadato
?2009 Neural representation of animacy in the early visual areas: a functional MRI study. Brain Research Bullentin 79: 271-280.
- Tachibana, K., K. Suzuki, E. Mori, N. Miura, R. Kawashima, K. Horie, S. Sato, J. Tanji, and H. Muchiake
2009 Neural activity in the human brain signals logical rule identification. Journal of Neurophysiology 102: 1526-1537.
- Tanabe, H. C., and N. Sadato
2009 Ventrolateral prefrontal cortex associated with individual differences in arbitrary delayed paired-association learning performance: A functional magnetic resonance imaging study. Neuroscience 160: 688-697.
- 田邊宏樹
2009「機能分化と機能統合からシステムとして脳をとらえる―Dynamic Causal Modellingを中心に―」『日本基礎心理学研究』28: 72-78.
- 三浦直樹、高橋 信、川島隆太、北村正晴、若林利男
2009「機能的MRIを用いた計器監視課題時のインタフェースの差異と難易度との関連解析」『ヒューマン・インタフェース学会論文誌』11: 31-40.
- Hayashi, M. J., D. N. Saito, Y. Aramaki, T. Asai, Y. Fujibayashi, and N. Sadato
2008 Hemispheric asymmetry of frequency-dependent suppression in the ipsilateral primary motor cortex during finger movement: A functional magnetic resonance imaging study. Cereb Cortex 18: 2932-2940.
- Izuma, K., D. N. Saito, and N. Sadato
2008 Processing of social and moetary rewards in the human striatum. Neuron 58: 284-294.
- Maki, Y., K. F. Wong, M. Sugiura, T. Ozaki, and N. Sadato
2008 Asymmetric control mechanisms of bimanual coordination: an application of directed connectivity analysis to kinematic and functional MRI data. Neuroimage 42: 1295-1304.
- Miyawaki, Y., H. Uchida, O. Yamashita, M. A. Sato, Y. Morito, H. C. Tanabe, N. Sadato, and Y. Kamitani
2008 Visual image reconstruction from human brain activity using a combination of multiscale local image decoders. Neuron 60: 915-929.
- Mizuno, K., M. Tanaka, A. Ishii, H. C. Tanabe, H. Onoe, N. Sadato, and Y. Watanabe
2008 The neural basis of academic achievement motivation. Neuroimage 42: 369-378.
- Morita, T., S. Itakura, D. N. Saito, S. Nakashita, T. Harada, T. Kochiyama, and N. Sadato
2008 The Role of the Right Prefrontal Cortex in Self-evaluation of the Face: A Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging Study. J Cogn Neurosci 20: 342-355.
- Murase, M., D. N. Saito, T. Kochiyama, H. C. Tanabe, S. Tanaka, T. Harada, Y. Aramaki, M. Honda, and N. Sadato
2008 Cross-modal integration during vowel identification in audiovisual speech: a functional magnetic resonance imaging study. Neurosci Lett 434: 71-76.
- Nakamaru, T., N. Miura, A. Fukushima, and R. Kawashima
2008 Somatotopical relationships between cortical activity and reflex areas in reflexology: a functional magnetic resonance imaging study. Neuroscience Letters 448: 6-9.
- Nakashita, S., D. N. Saito, T. Kochiyama, M. Honda, H. C. Tanabe, and N. Sadato
2008 Tactile-visual integration in the posterior parietal cortex: a functional magnetic resonance imaging study. Brain Research Bullentin 75: 513-525.
- Toyoda, H., K. Kashikura, T. Okada, S. Nakashita, M. Honda, Y. Yonekura, H. Kawaguchi, A. Maki, and N. Sadato
2008 Source of nonlinearity of the BOLD response revealed by simultaneous fMRI and NIRS. Neuroimage 39: 997-1013.
- 豊田浩士、定藤規弘、赤澤 威
2008「ネアンデルタールと現代人の頭蓋内鋳型の形状比較」『高知工科大学紀要』5(1): 25-33.
- Hagura, N., T. Takei, S. Hirose, Y. Aramaki, M. Matsumura, N. Sadato, and E. Naito
2007 Activity in the posterior parietal cortex mediates visual dominance over kinesthesia. J Neurosci 27: 7047-7053.
- Naito, E., T. Nakashima, T. Kito, Y. Aramaki, T. Okada, and N. Sadato
2007 Human limb-specific and non-limb-specific brain representations during kinesthetic illusory movements of the upper and lower extremities. Eur J Neurosci 25: 3476-3487.
- Noguchi, Y., H. C. Tanabe, N. Sadato, M. Hoshiyama, and R. Kakigi
2007 Voluntary attention changes the speed of perceptual neural processing. Eur J Neurosci 25: 3163-3172.
- Perez, M. A., S. Tanaka, S. P. Wise, N. Sadato, H. C. Tanabe, D. T. Willingham, and L. G. Cohen
2007 Neural substrates of intermanual transfer of a newly acquired motor skill. Curr Biol 17: 1896-1902.
- Aramaki, Y., M. Honda, and N. Sadato
2006 Suppression of the non-dominant motor cortex during bimanual symmetric finger movement: a functional magnetic resonance imaging study. Neuroscience 141: 2147-2153.
- Aramaki, Y., M. Honda, T. Okada, and N. Sadato
2006 Neural correlates of the spontaneous phase transition during bimanual coordination. Cereb Cortex 16: 1338-1348.
- Iidaka, T., A. Matsumoto, J. Nogawa, Y. Yamamoto, and N. Sadato
2006 Frontoparietal network involved in successful retrieval from episodic memory. Spatial and temporal analyses using fMRI and ERP. Cereb Cortex 16: 1349-1360.
- Ikuta, N., M. Sugiura, Y. Sassa, J. Watanabe, Y. Akitsuki, K. Iwata, N. Miura, H. Okamoto, Y. Watanabe, S. Sato, K. Horie, Y. Matsue, and R. Kawashima
2006 Brain activation during the course of sentence comprehension. Brain and Language 97: 154-161.
- Kitada, R., T. Kito, D. N. Saito, T. Kochiyama, M. Matsumura, N. Sadato, and S. J. Lederman
2006 Multisensory activation of the intraparietal area when classifying grating orientation: a functional magnetic resonance imaging study. J Neurosci 26: 7491-7501.
- Sadato, N.
2006 Cross-modal plasticity in the blind revealed by functional neuroimaging. Suppl Clin Neurophysiol 59: 75-79.
- Sadato, N. and H. Toyoda
2006 Inferring brains from reconstructed endocasts using functional neuroimaging technique. Anthropological Science 114(3): 258.
- Sugiura, M., Y. Sassa, H. Jeong, N. Miura, Y. Akitsuki, K. Horie, S. Sato, and R. Kawashima
2006 Multiple brain networks for visual self-recognition with different sensitivity for motion and body part. Neuroimage 32: 1905-1917.
- Tanaka, M., N. Sadato, T. Okada, K. Mizuno, T. Sasabe, H. C. Tanabe, D. N. Saito, H. Onoe, H. Kuratsune, and Y. Watanabe
2006 Reduced responsiveness is an essential feature of chronic fatigue syndrome: A fMRI study. BMC Neurol 6(9).
- Ehrsson, H. H., T. Kito, N. Sadato, R. E. Passingham, and E. Naito
2005 Neural substrate of body size: illusory feeling of shrinking of the waist. PLoS Biol 3: e412.
- Iidaka, T., N. Ozaki, A. Matsumoto, J. Nogawa, Y. Kinoshita, T. Suzuki, N. Iwata, Y. Yamamoto, T. Okada, and N. Sadato
2005 A variant C178T in the regulatory region of the serotonin receptor gene HTR3A modulates neural activation in the human amygdala. J Neurosci 25: 6460-6466.
- Kitada, R., T. Hashimoto, T. Kochiyama, T. Kito, T. Okada, M. Matsumura, S. J. Lederman, and N. Sadato
2005 Tactile estimation of the roughness of gratings yields a graded response in the human brain: an fMRI study. Neuroimage 25: 90-100.
- Miura, N., J. Watanabe, K. Iwata, Y. Sassa, J. Riera, H. Tsuchiya, S. Sato, K. Horie, and R. Kawashima
2005 Cortical activation during reading of ancient versus modern Japanese texts: fMRI study. Neuroimage 26: 426-431.
- Noguchi, Y., Y. Kaneoke, R. Kakigi, H. C. Tanabe, and N. Sadato
2005 Role of the superior temporal region in human visual motion perception. Cereb Cortex 15: 1592-1601.
- Sadato, N., T. Okada, M. Honda, K. Matsuki, M. Yoshida, K. Kashikura, W. Takei, T. Sato, T. Kochiyama, and Y. Yonekura
2005 Cross-modal integration and plastic changes revealed by lip movement, random-dot motion and sign languages in the hearing and deaf. Cereb Cortex 15: 1113-1122.
- Tanabe, H. C., M. Honda, and N. Sadato
2005 Functionally segregated neural substrates for arbitrary audiovisual paired-association learning. J Neurosci 25: 6409-6418.
- Tanabe, H. C., M. Kato, S. Miyauchi, S. Hayashi and T. Yanagida
2005 Anterior intraparietal sulcus is involved in crossmodal sensorimotor spatial information processing as revealed by fMRI. Cogn Brain Res 22: 385-396.
- 三浦直樹、渡邉丈夫、高橋 信、川島隆太、北村正晴
2005「機能的磁気共鳴画像を用いた計器監視作業時の脳活動解析」『ヒューマン・インタフェース学会誌』7: 21-28.